A CE version bricked your HR20 and you had to pay for it?Yea I thought I wouldn't get an answer. I guess I'll send you my bill for my new H20 I had to buy 4 months ago from the last CE I did join in for.
A CE version bricked your HR20 and you had to pay for it?Yea I thought I wouldn't get an answer. I guess I'll send you my bill for my new H20 I had to buy 4 months ago from the last CE I did join in for.
So if D* is authorizing this ,why aren't they aloud to be contacted? And why can't they held responsible for their authorized software,if a problem does happen? This answer is all I care about hearing?It is under the terms and conditions to participate the Beta program, wich is posted here and at Dbstalk.com. Wich is administrated by Directv. If your not a particpant in the C and E beta program then by all means call the CSR's if you have an issue about your equipment. As far as hack talk. NO it isnt as there is no modification of equiment or access cards to recive programming you dont pay for!
Now with that said, if you agree to the terms of the C and E program wich is not CALLING the CSRS if you have an issue and posting them here, then Directv authorizes you to download certin software at verious times. So there for Its not hacking eather because the software put in your reciver is authorized by directv as you have agreed to the terms and conditions of beta testing with Directv.
Im sorry about your equipment that you had to get replaced. The best I can say for you would be to contact earl over at dbstalk and see what he can do.
Why go to DBStalk? What's wrong with going here? Where is your loyalty? Go there if that's where it is.
DBStalk is not an official authorized site by DirecTV BTW. Know if they are so good why aren't they?
My H20. and yes! and it was posted here. Who else was going to pay for it ? Directv ,I never called them. Its against the rules ,yes I followed the rules. But I think I need some questions answered that should have been before this .Don't worry because I won't download any more CE's.A CE version bricked your HR20 and you had to pay for it?
Its not about loyalty. Why go there? Well, simple there is information there that can help you and I. While we have great info here, it could be better and we point you to where you can get the correct and most logical info at. Its not about the sites, its about where to find the info.
As far as me going there for the info. I do. As well as alot of other users. Will i moderate over there. No thanks.
I dont think any dbs company will do that. Its just the way it is.
So if D* is authorizing this ,why aren't they aloud to be contacted? And why can't they held responsible for their authorized software,if a problem does happen? This answer is all I care about hearing?
Before I invested in the router that can handle VOD, I called DirecTV and asked CSR to populate my guide, and within minutes of that phone call I had the VOD channels 1000+, so they knew what I was talking about and were very happy to help me. So I beg to differ on what others say about calling DirecTV for any issue.
Thats because DOD is avaible to the public in certin areas and is slowly being rolled out. Also, it could be you just happened by the luck of the draw to have a csr in the know. most of the time csrs are not in the know.
I understand ,and I don't hold anyone at Satelliteguy responsible at all. I think DBS talk isn't as honest as most good people are from Here. I Don't trust them . My opinion!! I don't care who agrees either. I know someone will listen and be extra carefull,and maybe save themselves a big head ache. Thanks for having a backbone and explaining,because I bet theres a lot of people who didn't have a clue ,who have been downloading these for quite sometime.They will stick up for it at all cost ,no matter how clueless they can be.They are, only in certin forms of posting over at dbstalk and here. The reason for this is because the CSR teir is not trained on the whole C and E proccess and cant help you with the software. Infact the CSR teir is nothing but script readers, so if it isnt there script then they can help you. Its like trying to play hockey with out ice on a MLB feild. It just wont happen. By posting over at dbstalk you get direct access to the software engeneers who post over there too. They will most likely be able to help fix the issue as they are the ones who write the software. I wish that I could tell you to post here but right now were working on getting the CE process going over here and looking to change things for the better. But in the mean time I want you to get the right info which is over at dbstalk.
Hemi if you talk to earl over there he can get you in conctact with who you need to talk to get things fixed. Their is a risk but I agree with you, they should replace any bricks. That is the best answer I can give you.
Yea I thought I wouldn't get an answer. I guess I'll send you my bill for my new H20 I had to buy 4 months ago from the last CE I did join in for.
Okay why in the world would a multibillion dollar corporation not expect it's CSR team to be knowledgeable and educated enough to help it's customers. It seems unauthorized sites are trying to dictate what they want from policy which is not authorized by DirecTV.
It is a violation of DirecTV policy for an employee to double dip, get paid at the same time he or she is working for the company. They are not to be employed by unauthorized companies (websites like DBStalk) and claim influence while being paid for both. No company authorizes that. So the heck with DBStalk. They banned me for being blunt and honest, not being a bottom kisser. They don't like challenge. They are not very well organized and they also are not the best site, very disorganized in my opinion. And they claim they have insight track, that means potentially somebody works for both, which is a conflict of interest.
Who is getting paid from a website ?
I don't think the Mods here are getting paid and if they have a regular job, there is NO way that that company is worried about them working at a website as well as long as it's not conflicting with them doing thier job.
What you think they sent it for free. Tell me where else can you buy a D* receiver outright? Bestbuy Nope! Why don't you mind your business if you don't have a clue.Thats good piss me off about it some more!According to the link to the ce you said bricked your H20, Directv sent you another unit. Now you say you had to pay for it. Which is it?
Why go to DBStalk? What's wrong with going here? Where is your loyalty? Go there if that's where it is.
DBStalk is not an official authorized site by DirecTV BTW. Know if they are so good why aren't they?
JTN is only trying to stir up sh*t. No answer will quiet him. He will keep coming up with rediculous answers and more whining and bitchin about nothing.
It is my belief that he is a little kid with a computer trying to get people worked up.
Now where the hell is that ignore button???
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