I know this question has been asked many times and I have looked at a lot of the threads but it is still very confusing. I live in Montana and there is only one local station broadcasting in HD (NBC). None of the local stations are O&O. When I look at the DirecTV DNS eligibility web site all the stations that are listed are in towns from 120 - 250 miles away and show grade A signals on all of them except for Fox. This is total nonsense for me because not only are the stations 120 + miles away but there are mountain ranges between us. All the local stations are owned by the stations in the town that is 120 miles away but operate under different identifiers and in most cases different channel numbers. I can receive all the local stations analog signals with at least grade B. I applied for waviers and received them from Fox and ABC. CBS denied them. I called the station and have not be able to speak to the chief engineer. I always get his voice mail. He returned my call once but missed me also. He seemed to imply that because I could receive an analog signal they could deny my HD wavier. I tried email and he has not responded. I spoke to an engineer and he verified that they are not broadcasting digital in my area.
Do I have any recourse or am I just SOL with CBS. Can they deny my wavier even if I can't receive any digital signal?

Do I have any recourse or am I just SOL with CBS. Can they deny my wavier even if I can't receive any digital signal?