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Lockups with the new software version

I received an email from sbmcc96

>"Try pressing:
Green remote control key
8. Installation Settings
9-8-8 quickly on the remote to get the "system config" screen.
6. Factory Reset

This takes the unit back to the factory state (still keeping the new
code). Let me know if it clears up the problem."<

I have no idea who this person is and whether he is responding to my post here or on the Yahoo Voom forum.

Has anybody tried the Factory Reset to deal with the picture in right corner box with black screen lockup problem?

I haven't read any posts that this is a solution to what obviously is a result of the software upgrade.
shelly said:
I received an email from sbmcc96

>"Try pressing:
Green remote control key
8. Installation Settings
9-8-8 quickly on the remote to get the "system config" screen.
6. Factory Reset

This takes the unit back to the factory state (still keeping the new
code). Let me know if it clears up the problem."<

I have no idea who this person is and whether he is responding to my post here or on the Yahoo Voom forum.

Has anybody tried the Factory Reset to deal with the picture in right corner box with black screen lockup problem?

I haven't read any posts that this is a solution to what obviously is a result of the software upgrade.

no I have not.

I spoke too soon......add me to the "Lockup Club". Tonight while watching an SD channel and pushing the Voom button, I got the small picture in the right corner with a blank screen and had to reboot. Later on while scrolling through the Cinema 10 channels, the box would lock on to a movie channel and I could not change channels, bring up any menus, etc. The movie would continue to play and the dish icon on the front of the box would change to red. Reboot. This happened 4 times over the course of the evening.
This is lock up issue needs to be fixed very soon. To push a new code that seems less stable the the old one is a HUGE mistake. The Tech guys over at voom need to get on the ball and act this week to fix this.
I have just posted my latest update on the Lock Up Issue. In my experience, the more often I press buttons on the remote, the more often I get lockups. What's your impression?
Looks like Voom took 1 step forward and fell 2 steps back. This is really frustrating. My box locks up ALL the time now. If this keeps up I'm going to dump Voom. I really wanted the scanning feature which adds to my frustration because my mapping is woefull. I was really enthusiastic about Voom but am less so today. I am at the very least going to go with the lease option and hope Voom gets their shite together.

It seems that the boxes that did not lockup prior to the download are now locking up and vice-versa. Mine locked up all the time if I did any surfing at all but since the download I have been trying to get it to puke and it runs smooth as silk. Weird.
I am also now getting the lockup. It happened three times last night after never having the problem before. I recieved the upgrade two days ago but really didn't get to test it until last night. I also got the lockup using two separate remotes (the Voom & the Harmony). The lockup drops my picture completly and leaves me with the "digital -in" sign in the right hand corner (I use the DVI). I tried the unplug and the in-front reset but still got the lock-up. I have also come to the conclusion that since my channel surfing, (which is considerable) was the same before the upgrade and after that this new lock-up phenomnon has to be related to the new upgrade.

I called VOOM and the CSR put in an "Action Form" to the technical team. He said they are aware of the problem and it is related to surfing. He said that they will put out a "new" new update to fix but couldn't say when that will be. He recommended that anyone having this problem call in so they can put a similar "Action Form". The squeeky locked-up box gets the fix...
I am puzzled by the fact that some of us get lockups often, while others don't seem to have them at all. If this is a software issue, how come not everyone is experiencing the same problem? Not that I am jealous or something, just curious... ;)

I see two possible explanations:

1. Our usage patterns are different. We do different things with our remotes. Some of us press button more frequently than others, navigate in different ways,etc.

2. Something is different about our STBs. May be a different hardware version? (Mine is a newer STB, that came 2 weeks ago as a replacement.)

Any thoughts?
The same thing happened when Dish released the 501, many of us had problems with certain features while others did not. Most people attributed it to differences in motherboard or chip designs.
CSR has lockup fix?

Ilya, Looks like we have the same boxes with the same problems. I also have a new (2-week) old box. Maybe are babies are a bit more tempermental?

I called a CSR and she stated that VOOM was aware of this lock-up problem. She stated that she wants me to call VOOM back when I get home and unplug the reciever and then they will "re-push" the new software update to me. Apparently, it didn't always load correctly. I'll let you know how it goes but I am suspicious of this apprent "fix" as I don't see how a software can not load correctly without it not working at all (I was also getting the feeling she was trying to get me off the phone so she could add new customers-which is a good thing) I hope the fix works! Now if they can only do something about those blackouts...
I doubt they have a fix so quickly, and I also doubt that the program could load incorrectly. On the other hand, you don't have much to loose. So, why not try what the CSR suggested. Let us all know the results.

In any case, according to Wilt, a fix might be coming soon...
Bilodeaumj said:
I called a CSR and she stated that VOOM was aware of this lock-up problem. She stated that she wants me to call VOOM back when I get home and unplug the reciever and then they will "re-push" the new software update to me. Apparently, it didn't always load correctly. I'll let you know how it goes but I am suspicious of this apprent "fix" as I don't see how a software can not load correctly without it not working at all

Does sound like a stretch, but I do remember a few years back when they sent out a STB upgrade to the D* old DTC100 which actually in some case rendered it useless if the upgrade failed to load correctly.
No lock-up's yet...

Well it's a finicky situation. Within 30 min of coming home I had the temp blackout but not the lock-up. I unplugged and got VOOM to resend the data. I was undable to really test it out until the kids went to bed. I surfed the system hard for about an hour (I actually was using both remotes - am I good or what) and didn't have either a lock-up or blackout but I don't think that this was a valid test on whether it's still happening or not. I'll try again over the weekend...

Good thing we have this forum as I have a pool of experience to draw upon and it seems sometimes train the CSR's. Don't get me wrongm they are very nice people but the CSR tried to offer to send me a new box which wouldn't do anyone any good and end up costing VOOM unnecessarily.
Problems Here Also!

Since the push, I have constant lockups with two different receivers and it seems to be while surfing or checking out the program guide. It becomes very frustrating to have to reboot only to lose info and then have it return and lockup again.
Fireman, Just stay away from the Voom button if at all possible until they get this problem solved.

It means that you just need to press Info once, and then you have the choice of surfing (albeit just one channel at a time) with the red button (Voom exclusive channels), green button (all channels showing hd programming at the time), yellow button (your Favorites) or the up arrow and down arrow buttons that surround the OK button (to scroll through every channel available to you.)

Pressing Info a second time will give you information about the channel in the bottom bar.

And while you scroll any of these ways, the current channel remains full screen.

is might make sense since some people don't have any problems with the new code. My box works fine. It did before and does even better now.

What day did the people with problems get their download. I got mine the thrid night and it is fine. Maybe it has to do witht the night it came and maybe something cause a glitch in the download.

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