I don't know if you read my post earlier, but have you thought about hiring a professional if you can afford one? Or perhaps get different antennas for your VHF-lo (not sure if any of those are in your area), VHF-hi, and UHF stations and then use a combiner? Or maybe just an antenna that does both VHF-lo and VHF-hi and another for UHF if using three is too much? Using a specialized antenna for each would make each type work better. I plan to do so someday when and if I live in a house, though the ones that focus on only VHF (especially VHF-lo) will be harder to find nowadays, but I still think will be worth a look for me. Even though VHF-lo is not in my area, I hope to live in different parts of the country someday to experience different places, so I plan to still invest in an antenna for that.