Well my 40 inch 3 year old Samsung LED decided to start losing Pixels.
So far its one whole line from top to bottom.
Not catastrophic yet, but it certainly has Jump started my next TV search.
I don't really care about 4k, But If Im going to buy a new TV, I might as well go 4K.
So what Im looking for is anything $500 or less ( could push up higher depending.)
43 inch and up.
4K smart,
3 + HDMI
No more Samsung tvs.
I have Magnavox tvs out last both of my Samsung TVs
I'd like a Sony, but they are a little to High for what I want to spend on a 4K tv.
I've been looking at LG models 6030,6100
And Vizio E and M series.
But I would definitely listen to other suggestions.
Thanks again.
So far its one whole line from top to bottom.
Not catastrophic yet, but it certainly has Jump started my next TV search.
I don't really care about 4k, But If Im going to buy a new TV, I might as well go 4K.
So what Im looking for is anything $500 or less ( could push up higher depending.)
43 inch and up.
4K smart,
3 + HDMI
No more Samsung tvs.
I have Magnavox tvs out last both of my Samsung TVs
I'd like a Sony, but they are a little to High for what I want to spend on a 4K tv.
I've been looking at LG models 6030,6100
And Vizio E and M series.
But I would definitely listen to other suggestions.
Thanks again.