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Los Angeles Voomers - What's your choice for new provider? | SatelliteGuys.US

Los Angeles Voomers - What's your choice for new provider?


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Nov 18, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
So all you Voomers is Los Angeles, what are you going to do come 04/30?

I can't go back to Adelphia. At least in my area their signal quality is horrible. When I previously tried HD through them there was continual signal loss and breakup on the HD channels. This in addition to at least montly service outages. Analog channel passed thru their PVR where trash, not even watchable. SD channels were not too much better.

That leaves E*, D*, or StarChoice from Canada. Anyone is the LA area care to comment on their experiences with them? I'm kind of leaning towards D* only because the satellite being launched at the end of the month is supposed to target LA as one of its service areas for HD LIL.
I have E* and have been happy with them forever.

If your concern is HD, then they both stink. Voom was infinitely better than the two of them combined when it came to HD offerings.

I made my choice based on Internationals and PPV offerings more than anything. I don't worry about LIL because, being in LA, if you've got a decent line of sight towards Mt. Wilson then you're going to pick everything up anyway with any remotely decent antenna. I use a Zenith Silver Sensor indoors and I pick up almost all of my HD locals at about 80% minimum and most of the time from 85% to 95%. I live in Orange County, so I'm about 35 miles from Mt.Wilson as the crow flies.

I feel it's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with either provider. Cable's offerings are pretty meager as well, which is why I haven't gone back to them and stuck with Dish. If you MUST have the NFL package, then I'd say go with Direct, but otherwise, make the choice based on price and who offers more of what you want. You're getting pretty much the same thing either way.

The new bird for Direct will be nice... but until they start using the birds to offer real programming in HD and not LIL's, it's doing nothing more than broadcasting redundant programming to different markets. When the sports regionals and the movie channels start showing up in increased HD, then we'll be talking about a real difference between the two companies.

I live right below Mt. Wilson...near Pasadena. The Installs Inc. installer had a difficult time fine tuning the OTA antenna because of this for whatever reason. We had swtiched from DISH to VOOM because of the great content offered by VOOM. Debating on whether to go the cable TV route. Haven't had cable in a very very long time. DirecTV is way overpriced for their equipment. I'll be perusing these forums to see what's the best deal.
Im in OC, I have no idea what Im gonna do.
There is no other company that even comes close to Voom.
Feels like anything else I get will be more expensive and less HD.
Oh, and I forget crappy quality picture.......
I am looking for a good rate and alot of HD channels..Any Ideas.....???
I decided to bite the bullet and go back to Adelphia. :( No use going with D* or E* and having to lay out money for new equipment when they switch to MPEG4.

I'll just morn for the next 6-12 months and hopefully something will come along. Doesn't look like Adelphia in LA has any plans to add new HD channels either, even tho' in many other parts of the country they have much better offerings including InHD and HDNet.

Maybe the Time-Warner deal will go through and we'll see something better.
I will probably go with Time Warner Cable. They are offering a pretty good deal for Satellite subscribers:

$20 off the basic cable package of $39.99 for 20 months, so $19.99 for 20 months!

$9.95 for the HD pac

$40 – HD DVR package with 4 premiums
Im going with Dish. After reviewing them Comcast (no dvr in my area) and D* I come off with a better deal with E*.

Dish will have TNT HD for the NBA playoffs as well.

I can get their dvr pretty much part of the install package, and either the HD receiver or the HD DVR without spending rent to get it.

Boston area Voomers experiences going to another provider

Phoenix Voomers-Cox Cable HD service

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