Lost signal last night due to wet snow. Now getting error messages saying card is expired. Will everything go back to normal on its own when snow melts?
signal went first on HD and finally on SD. Same on both receivers.
yup the heavy wet snow will kill the signal
powdery snow (we have had a couple snowfalls like that here in Minnesota) the signals go down but not out
by the way....this is the line of channels that go
-first is HD CONUS....they use KA Band which is a higher frequency than KU...Higher frequency = less tolerance
-HD locals are next. Because the spotbeams are concentrated in a specific area they have a higher tolerance
-SD CONUS will go next....
-SD locals go last....again spotbeams
Sometimes SD CONUS can go before HD spotbeams do. Had that happen a couple weeks ago. All I had was HD locals and a couple stations in SD....but that was because of the satellite being used on those is a newer satellite
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