I know I'm not the seller...but your question seems a bit "deeper" than just adding an amplifier. If the signals were just marginal on the original scan, their levels could dip at times below the TV's ability to pick them up. Using your words, meanwhile...you were getting those stations and "lost" them... If the station did not change it's frequency or do anything to cause it, or if it's not a "seasonal" loss of signal associated with the leafing out of trees at a particular time of the year, you probably have an issue to fix first. Perhaps a loose or bad F-connector, a cable with a nick that allowed water intrusion, a bend in the cable that was too tight and turned to an intermittent "break" or similar. If a problem exists, you'll amplify either noise or nothing at all instead of the channels you wish to receive. By the same token, assuming a minimal cost from the seller for these items, if you find a problem AND add one of these for extra long runs of cable or in place of an unpowered splitter, your signal may become more steady with less flashing out during wet, snowy, or stormy weather. Hope you and the seller didn't mind my chiming in here.