It's downloading OK for me but it's pretty slow.
i keep getting this message purchase can't be completed because the product distribution file can not be verified or signed. i have never received an error message before from the app store.
looks like any apps which require me to pay, i am having trouble with. but i can download free apps just fine!
These updates came after I installed ML. I did updates before I installed as well.
You can now take a photo from preview (or I am guessing any iWork and probably iLife app, will test after the upgrade), from the title bar, rename it, and if you want move it to iCloud. Then in Preview, click Open, and you have an iCloud option, showing the files stored there, no web access needed. FINALLY, iCloud is starting to fulfill some of its potential.
Need to see how that works with iOS.
GO into iTunes and check your account, make sure CC and security code is accurate. OR Call Apple.
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