I'm getting that update now, but for me it only showed 435MB download. Are you a few updates behind??
I'm getting that update now, but for me it only showed 435MB download. Are you a few updates behind??
I must've gotten the Lion Recovery Update some other time as it doesn't show up for me, only the OSX one.I upgraded my Lion and my iPad, moved to iCloud and all it took was about an hour. Pretty smooth.I checked yesterday and had nothing and like Rocky, I have 2 updates, the Lion Recovery Update and the one of OSX. (888 MB)Getting good speed here, it downloaded the first 400 meg file in less then 3 minutes.
For me it is my iMac. GF and son use a Mac Mini. And I have or will have a Windows laptop that will see light use. I also have a Dell Hybrid that I use for an HTPC that sees fairly light use also.For those who use both Macs and PCs, which is your primary?Primary for myself and my wife would be the 2 Mac Minis we recently switched to. Our only active PC now is our laptop.
Scott Greczkowski said:I checked yesterday and had nothing and like Rocky, I have 2 updates, the Lion Recovery Update and the one of OSX. (888 MB)
Getting good speed here, it downloaded the first 400 meg file in less then 3 minutes.
I just got a mac a few weeks ago and while I love it there are a few things I wish it did better... A lot of problems I am told are Lion based but maybe some of you have workarounds or solutions:
- Safari randomly crashes when zooming in or out (I have to do a force quit to get it back on)
- Apps sometimes remain open even after pressing Command + Q to close them (sometimes I only find out they are running when I look at my dock)
- Mail application fails to connect to mail server on my personal site despite my phone and webmail apps both working fine
- Rainbow circle of death A LOT when browsing the internet using Safari or Firefox
I also hated the fact that Final Cut Pro crashed and had hidden 64gb of unfinished video hidden in a temp folder that I couldn't find without a secondary app to find out why I was out of hard drive space on a 3 day old macbook.
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