Yes in the menu on the microHD use the first 8 of the last 16 ports.
That is the way I have mine set up( even though I don't have a C/Ku on the 10 footer right now). Come off of the C-Band dish with two coaxes, C to say port 1 and then Ku to port 2. Then hook up the other dishes how ever you want that makes sense and easy for you to remember which one is port 3, 4,5, etc.
Which brand of 8-port switch did you get? I been doing it this way for about 3 years and everything works better than strings of 1x4s and such.
They have all answered your question? 1.1 is just " backwards " compatible with 1.2; which counts above " 4 " (memorizable). The way to program 8 uses 22 Khz. off the ends, not inside, truly, however the microHD was a little late in being designed, so it has it's compatibility (difference) by putting 1.1 into the "looks like 1.2" but is really 4-8 1.1 memorizable... But if you hook it up right (1.2), it will not be found to work "good".................................................... What is 1.1 to look like backwards? A microHD being! The problem is that 22 khz. was put into a receiver using 1.2 as the first pulse; and a 22 khz, pulse is next (when you use both for 8 lnbf's); which is the multi-switches design. The truth is (and problem), that 22 khz. and #8 port and both signals then are the same!
Now if they did not confuse you; I hope i didn't!!!
Your posts always amaze me, it's like there's two different people posting. A lot of the time your posts are basically incoherent. Then, you'll have one that's perfectly understandable, well thought out, and obviously from somebody that really knows his stuff.
Then you have one like this that's half-way in between, lol.
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