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microHD DiSEqC 1.1 menu ?? | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

microHD DiSEqC 1.1 menu ??

Well, "at the end of the day" literally, I'm back where I started. My satellite compliment shown contains a combination c/ku feed on the middle Birdview with the black nosecone. It's been operating with a 22khz switch, one side taking the c/ku along with 2 other dishes via a 4-place diseqc, the other side of the 22khz going to another 4-place diseqc. Not all the ports are used yet, but we're getting close. Picture attached, White lettering shows 8-port settings, yellow shows original settings. (and one mis-spelling of "port" not worth re-doing.)

I have had an 8-port diseqc I've wanted to install and the weather was nice yesterday, so I went at it. Replaced two older cables from the Birdview c/ku with more efficient ones, and thought an 8-port setup would simplify things As I hooked it up, however, more and more problems developed.

After completing the hookup, using the highest selections on the MicroHD menu for switching (first 8 selections of the 16-place switch) I lost some feeds and thought maybe I had lost one of my voltages. I had intermittent reception on 137 West from the fixed birdview, it would pixelate and freeze, followed by "no signal" screen. I thought maybe it was a lack of one voltage affecting only vertical signals, then I realized I was receiving PBS on 125 which is vertical. Then, I wondered if the switching of C-band vs. ku was reversed in voltage or different somehow. No time for wondering, however...I wanted reception restored by evening.

Finally, I put back the original configuration, wires hanging below the Birdview, all tightly checked, and STILL it was intermittent. New ends were put on where connections were suspected. hit me! The LNB voltage may have been a little low!

Recently, to keep our internet broadcasting stream in our radio studios "clean" of noise, we replaced all CFL bulbs in the building with quiet LED's.

Then, I bought an HDMI splitter for my MicroHD which cost us hours of searching down how a severe "buzz" was getting into a conduit and radiating into our internet feed some 60 feet away, affecting our internet stereo stream, originating from a tuner in my office. We ended up replacing the splitter's power supply with a non-switching one. The original HDMI splitter's supply was so noisy it radiated through half the studios' space and one long conduit!

This made me take look at ALL the power supplies in the entertainment rack for the same problem. The noise, generated in the AM band by my MicroHD and Hard Drive is enough to blank out AM within a few feet! (still not as bad as the first offender was, however!!) So, when I found the microHD unit's power supply to be I substituted a large wall-wart, 5 volt 1 amp, and the receiver has worked just fine...until yesterday..probably about a month's solid and regular use.

I don't know whether the 1-amp unit failed from constant connection and disconnection to the MicroHD receiver (to protect the diseqc ports) or whether it just can't handle the upscaling of voltage to the LNB's over time, but the unit is back in business with the original supply "in" again.

I've ordered a 2-amp 5 volt power supply from Ebay, (matching the MicroHD's specs) one which is meant for a Sirius satellite radio, which should be filtered better to help keep noise from the AC line at our station, and it should still provide enough power for the receiver to to its job.

Now..maybe I can put the 8 port box back online, change the settings and have it all work! I have hopes I can re-install the 8-port switch to simplify, and with the new power supply "on the way" I can have simplicity and quiet AC as well.

The MicroHD was not a "bad" offender, just average in the world of switching power supplies, however...please: A plea to ALL manufacturers and distributors, PLEASE use better filtering in your power supplies!

Between CFL's and bad switching power supplies, the AM reception in people's homes is being killed!

(see: as posted on our station website.

Buy LED's that are quieter. (not all are.) We have 2 parts of government fighting now: The FCC wanting a quieter AM radio environment, on one side, and those in the "environmental side" who want us to NOT use incandescent light bulbs and buy noisy CFL's on the other. The result? If you suddenly find static in your radio after buying a new product for your home or office, suspect the power supply or your new CFL's!

One of my station's co-owners recently had an AT&T DSL modem replaced in the "loft" office of their home, and it killed reception of their hometown station in ALL AM radios in the house, and the station is 3 miles from them as the crow flies! I know the government wants us all to use CFL's, but they STINK and cause RF noise! Bad power supplies are other huge offenders, and can be quieted with parts costing under a buck per unit.

The "chasing of noise" can lead to other issues, you see...but it could all be fixed by manufacturers, importers, and re-sellers simply better-filtering their power supplies! Probably your ipad charger, phone charger, and others are offenders in your house, too!

From a satellite guys member who loves and lives radio...I love ALL our technology, but the "making noise is okay" attitude in new devices has to stop!

Now to the outside to change satellite switches....AGAIN.


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I so totally agree with you Jim! I have been griping about this for years. Back in the year 2001, when CFL's still cost like the LEDs do now, I went and spent a small fortune on 20. I went through the house replacing every bulb with these things. I thought man.... proud of myself this is gonna lower my power bill. It was winter so the first thing I noted, which I knew would happen, just didn't know the degree of it, is the slow warm up. I thought well I can get used to that. It took me less that a day to go back around the house and take 'em back out.
I very quickly realized they were killing my AM and HF reception, that was not going to fly! It is hard enough sometimes to hear those weak stations, but with a buzz going on in the back ground it was useless.
So I still you the old fashioned incandescent's to this day. Can't really find 100 Watters around here anymore so I have to order them. I know one day I will not be able to get them, but I may have went to LED by then.
Michael, it's nice to hear another voice on this!
Funny how one thing leads to another!

BTW...I re-tried the 8-place switch, and it totally failed, no signal, period, using positions 1-8 (of 16) on the last of the disceqc 1.1 menu for MicroHD. Gave up on it, I'm back to the original 22khz and 2-4-port switch arrangements. Even at that, something is NOT right, like I have a lazy LNB, or a switch problem.
I can get horizontal and vertical channels, but some are acting VERY odd.

On the microHD, when "bumping" the dish, the signal disappears for that brief second. That's normal. Now I have one channel (Ebru) where the signal is THERE DURING the bump and GONE when you rest the dish. Either I'm between clicks on the sensor, or that is a mighty tight beam..but it used to do fine! The Microspace Ku's are fine.....All Ku is on port 2 of the diseqc, off the "no 22khz" side of the the first switch. I don't know if I should changeout my 741 c/ku LNB for the spare Geosat, or whether I've got a lazy switch somewhere in the mix.

Since I can get both horizontal and vertical with the "clunky" setup, I have to believe that the first diseqc is fine...but WITHOUT moving the dish at all between hookups, and going back to the original configuration, Me-TV was reluctant to come in until I'd changed channels a few times!

I'm COMPLETELY lost now, but lost WITH most of the system working. I think maybe the lower voltage may have done some damage somewhere, but I have no way to prove this, short of swapping it out.

Either way, a new power supply is coming to quiet down the noise from the MicroHD....
Got any ideas on the finicky signals? I'd have thought restoring the original settings and switches would have been "instant success" but it's acting more like a tube radio than a solid state modern device!
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Yep just smack the side of it to jar them tubes around that will fix it. :)
I would wait until you have the new power supply and then start by checking the voltage coming out of the microHD. Then I would load it with just one LNBF and check the voltage to make sure the microHD, hasn't got some issue.
Then I would start all over from scratch. Take one coax to one LNB(F) no switches , on one dish. Check that to see if signals are there and working properly. Then I would introduce the 8x1 switch in the mix, choosing say port 2 or 3. It defaults to port 1. Then make sure your receiver is switching over to that port and you have a good signal. Continue to add your LNBFs one at a time after each time going into the shack and checking things. Eventually you will hit something that will cause it to stop and then you can investigate that further. If after you first introduce the switch you have an issue you either have a bad switch or the microHD is not sending out tones correctly(or strong enough). If you don't have another receiver to test with order this:
Thanks, Michael.
For an additional test, I just tried the Geosat LNB (c/ku) with zero results. I put the original DMX741 back, and can get horizontal and vertical channels on various satellites, through C/Ku port (1 and 2, 22khz off) and through port 3 (C-band fixed) and port 4 (125 west fixed)...but only after switching channels and polarities a few times. Now it's steady again. Nothing on the former functioning port 1 of the other side of the 22khz switch. (72 West NBC feeds and occasional weather channel.) Not sure if that's even active right now.)

I noticed the switch you recommend is different in graphics than the one I had....Mine was labeled diseqc 2.0, that one is labeled 1.1. Perhaps my "8" is wrong! It's the DMS international DS-7881.

I'm also going to check any "slop" in the birdview's mechanism! It could be that by coincidence, we're not hitting ON the birds until we start back UP from the bottom through the arc with the weight ON it....and the main satellites I go between are only a couple degrees apart and easy to miss.

Will probably put the Ebru feed on a dedicated Ku dish next so we don't have to swing to that one....

If I had enough C-band dishes, (got all the room in the world) I'd ditch the motorized system in a heartbeat!
I would too!! Just so it would look cool and work with no moving parts! :D
Not satellite related but,back when I worked at the drive in,one of my biggest headaches was trying to get,and keep,good audio going out on the "radio" stations,fm and am.Between the neon and florescent lights,kitchen equipment,multiple service panels,ground loops and a poor choice of "stations" that they wouldn't let me change,it was a constant battle.
Not satellite related but,back when I worked at the drive in,one of my biggest headaches was trying to get,and keep,good audio going out on the "radio" stations,fm and am.Between the neon and florescent lights,kitchen equipment,multiple service panels,ground loops and a poor choice of "stations" that they wouldn't let me change,it was a constant battle.

Man I bet that was a big headache, I can imagine.
On the topic of the dish switching for the MicroHD....listening to a bit of the live show tonite, there was a caller with a possible problem not having enough current
from his MicroHD for multiple LNB's....could this be what I'm running into? I had thought that by "switching" from one to another, only one is active at a time in a single
receiver my receiver trying to power ALL the LNB's constantly but the switch only selecting the SIGNAL? I really wanted to try the 8-place switch, figuring only ONE was actively powered at a time, thus not a problem to the MicroHD....can you clarify this a bit?

Just for clarity before making changes...I'm currently still running the 22khz first with "off" side feeding 4-place switch with the following: Port 1: (moving) C-band; Port 2: (moving) Ku, Port 3 dedicated 137W C-band, Port 4: dedicated 103 Ku.

The 22khz "on" side feeds another 4-place, with Port 1: dedicated 125 West; Port 2: dedicated 72 West. I've not had stability on PBS for about a month. Just this evening, I re-programmed the PBS feeds away from the fixed dish and back onto the moveable c/ku birdview dish and signal is stable. Will leave it there. But, I'm "maxed out" for a 4-place switch without using either a 22khz/secondary 4-place, or the recommended 8-place and would like to be able to add (2) more fixed Ku dishes to this system.

Perhaps the MicroHD cannot handle growing of the "farm?"
On the topic of the dish switching for the MicroHD....listening to a bit of the live show tonite, there was a caller with a possible problem not having enough current
from his MicroHD for multiple LNB's....could this be what I'm running into? I had thought that by "switching" from one to another, only one is active at a time in a single
receiver my receiver trying to power ALL the LNB's constantly but the switch only selecting the SIGNAL? I really wanted to try the 8-place switch, figuring only ONE was actively powered at a time, thus not a problem to the MicroHD....can you clarify this a bit?

Just for clarity before making changes...I'm currently still running the 22khz first with "off" side feeding 4-place switch with the following: Port 1: (moving) C-band; Port 2: (moving) Ku, Port 3 dedicated 137W C-band, Port 4: dedicated 103 Ku.

The 22khz "on" side feeds another 4-place, with Port 1: dedicated 125 West; Port 2: dedicated 72 West. I've not had stability on PBS for about a month. Just this evening, I re-programmed the PBS feeds away from the fixed dish and back onto the moveable c/ku birdview dish and signal is stable. Will leave it there. But, I'm "maxed out" for a 4-place switch without using either a 22khz/secondary 4-place, or the recommended 8-place and would like to be able to add (2) more fixed Ku dishes to this system.

Perhaps the MicroHD cannot handle growing of the "farm?"
I heard that too, HOWEVER, I have never seen that with any of the switches I have used. I have had many setups where the total power needs for all LNBs far exceeded the receiver's output and never a problem that way. So I'm not sure what's up with that. I am a fan of the 8X1 switch and often stack 4X1s behind them and motors. The motors had power issues but never an LNB problem.
Well, after a few days of experimentation and testing, It seems I cannot blame my switches for any (lack of signal) issues!

I ran straight cable to the microHD today, all C-band channels switched quickly and efficiently. Ku worked fine when sent straight from the combo c/ku LNB
to the receiver via it's own cable as well. Sats were already programmed properly in the MHD so all the settings were there. Then I tried simple 22khz switch vs. the 4-way diseqc. inline to my dish farm. NEITHER could pass signal. This gave me the feeling the receiver may not be able to output proper tones to the LNB for polarity switching, and for the ports needed, or that we had a random element in play.

I have a friend's older Openbox S10 here, with software he claimed was stable, so I put that online, using the pre-programmed locations in my positioner, and hooked up the diseqc. The Openbox was able to do the switching just fine for c/ku and for horizontal and vertical channels, thus I conclude we have a power problem on the microHD with regard to consistency. This could explain why it's been taking "time" for some channels to appear after a reboot, and why the occasional power cycling wwas necessary to get channels to show on the MicroHD. I was operating the MHD with a 2.5 amp "repair bench" power supply to make sure there was enough current to run the receiver, in case the wall wart was dying.

So, for a few nights, until the next hamfest makes me some bucks, I'll be running on the Openbox, hoping I can purchase a new MHD when they're again available through proper channels recommended on this site. Programming it seems a bit clunky, but I'll get all my channels in soon, and I'm grateful to have a "backup" receiver.

Not sure if it's worth sending the receiver for repair or not...but I'll look frequently to see when a new one can be ordered.
SatAV has offered a replacement original power supply. We'll see if the "oomph" that should be provided to this little box, when restored, will get us back on track! A generous offer by the company. Let's hope we can get all six dishes properly switching again!
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