Well set it up yesterday. There are some firmware updates that need to be done, took a while to get done, almost worrisome length of time (your just watch the screen saying updating wondering if it is bricked).
It is of course very thin and light. One thing I do not really like is that the keyboard is plastic vinyl on the bottom. I would love a keyboard with a metal bottom (like I use on my iPad) that closes up into a nice clam shell.
Been playing around with the screen scaling, not quite to my liking, but I am sure I will get used to it. Been going back and forth between 125 and 150%. 150% is the default, a little too big, 125 a little too small. It is one or the other, no choices in the middle. The screen resolution is 2160x1440 and the scaling is 100, 125, 150 or 200%, so you get a choice of 4 resolutions: 2160x1440, 1728x1152, 1440x960 or 1080x720. The screen is razor sharp though at all the resolutions, it is very similar to the iPad Air.
The keyboard is good, I disabled tap to click on the track pad since I am bad about accidentally touching it while typing and clicking. There is both a right click and left click at the bottom of the pad (pad moves).
The cord is a bit short, and of course it is a custom cord, I will probably have to get a second one.
The main reason I bought it is that I want a super light PC to take on business trips. This definitely fills the bill. I would have been just as happy with a hinge and attached keyboard (maybe happier, but will see how the kickstand grows on me). It really packs a lot of power in its tiny form factor. It does all the business things I need very quickly.