See in your world techs must never be wrong.
Help me out, guys... What does this have to do with Undercover Boss ?I never said that, I said it's a system that set-up badly.
So don't but words in my mouth

See in your world techs must never be wrong.
Help me out, guys... What does this have to do with Undercover Boss ?I never said that, I said it's a system that set-up badly.
So don't but words in my mouth
TV shows will blur out every company logo that happens to appear in a shot yet they leave a competitor's logo ? I'm sure DirecTV (and Dish) would like their customers to think that only one satellite provider exists, themselves !! A lot of customers think they get TV from "the dish" after all !!Did anybody else notice the Dish Network sat at the customers home where Mike slowed the install? I wonder why they switched to Directv.
Help me out, guys... What does this have to do with Undercover Boss ?![]()
It was a question about the Waiver process. Pretty much you have to call ISS to get a waiver.
It was actually a more civil discussion about it over at DBStalk but Super CSR muddled the water by calling out installers as lazy.
Even COPS is heavily edited. They shoot for days and then cut the "action" together to appear it's all happening on the same shift. As any officer will tell you, it's not all car chases and running after bad guys. Most of the time it's just pretty mundane calls that would bore the viewer.
I didn't say they were unedited or comprised of many days that are condensed; just that what you see is REALLY happening.
You're right. I didn't mean what you see wasn't real, just the producers manipulated what they shot in order to make a more exciting show.
You mean the sub is just out of luck ?
Glad they don't do that in my business, when the rain and snow is coming is when my subs have the most need for the service, if I told our subs that we can't fix your service till the weather gets better, we would be out of customers to worry about.
I WANT my D* service installed weather or not, this way when the rain is coming down, I know how far it is till I will lose service.
Then again, were in two different industries, so I'm not comparing apples to apples, but I would be highly pissed if I took the day off work and was told that they would not do my install due to possible bad weather coming.
Lightning I can understand, rain is an everyday obstacle.
Jimbo & folks,
There are subs = subscribers; the person who pays for service and expects service because of the money paid
And there are subs = subcontractors; the technically proficient person who installs systems who discovers with his first pay stub that he has no clue who he is dealing with.
FED, STATE, FICA he may have met.
Poor sub!
It's about Directv which this one covered and it's CEO which opened various ways to look at...Help me out, guys... What does this have to do with Undercover Boss ?![]()
When I was installed, the guy didn't have to phone anyone. He had a Windows CE like Symbol phone or something with a program on it. He used a stylus and selected some options and it activated everything over the internet.
In my previous residence, I had Comcast, and they did the same thing. Their phones also had a laser barcode scanner. They'd scan the labels on the equipment, select some options and over the internet it was all activated.
I guess not everyone has access to these latest tools?
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