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Monsters-HD: Movies Reviews


Didn't realize this was showing. Better get my butt in gear to watch. Thanx Sean for the heads up on this one.
Monster-HD Alert: An American Werewolf in London Tonight!!

An American Werewolf in London Tuesday December 30th, 10:30am & 7pm, Wednesday December 31st 12am.

When I first saw this movie in the theater, everybody was talking about the special effects of this movie. We were quite stunned when the young guy becomes a werewolf and how real it all seemed. Now, it will be shown tonight on VOOM at 7pm and I wonder how real the graphics will be again! If you have never seen it, it is a must not miss film. Now it that it is in HD you can not miss it. :)

P.S. I will be merging this topic back to the monster review thread in a couple of days. I think it is a good idea to alert everyone with a new thread and respond on this thread and then merge it over the monster-review. Let's see how this works.
This is something very interested that I found at the Mobius Home Video Forum. So when you watch the HD Texas-Chainsaw, you can say that you are watching something very special. Very nice. :)

Well, since the cat is now "out of the bag" on this... Synapse & TEXAS CHAINSAW

» Posted by: Don May, Jr. , 11/04/2003, 10:55:59

Well, well well... it seems that my mailbox has been flooded with folks asking me about this high-def TEXAS CHAINSAW promo they saw at the Chiller show last weekend for the HD HORROR Channel on the VOOM HD Satellite System.
I was sworn to secrecy on this one. The company told me to keep my trap shut on it but, obviously, VOOM is now promoting it, so I can finally speak about it... and, hopefully, stop the barrage of emails I've been getting on a subject that I couldn't talk about. I called them yesterday, mentioned the promo and they were a little surprised, but they are now telling me I can speak about it since the TV sale is a done deal.

A few months ago, I mentioned I was working on a top-secret project and that Synapse stuff had kinda been "put on hold", as it were, while said project was being done.

Well, kiddies... I was working on a new version of the original CHAINSAW. The company that owned it knew about my expertise with the title and figured that, since they needed a new high-def version for broadcast, that they would hire me to do it. They were going to pay me well and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to do this again, so I did it.

There does indeed exist a new 1.78:1 anamorphic HD D5 version of TCM out there now and the only way you can see it is if you come over to my house (I have an NTSC 16:9 DVD of my new transfer right here that I had made for myself and no one else! :)), or subscribe to the new HD VOOM Satellite service (available, I think, at Sears).

Now, I do not own this title. Synapse (at least right now) is NOT putting out a new DVD of this. Neither is anyone else for that matter. I do not know what the company will do with their new HD transfer except that they needed it for a TV sale. RIGHT NOW THERE IS NO NEW DVD PLANNED (sorry for the shouting, but I know how rumors get started)!

I recently completed a 35mm film-output test (a la the new release of ALIEN) on the new version to see what it looks like with all the new corrections. I have seen the blow-up test and the technology they have today is REALLY amazing. It looks so much better than the other 35mm blow-ups that have been done on this over the years (I personally compared my new test with the last reel of New Line Cinemas re-release dupe neg from the 80s and the difference is astonishing.)

As many of you know with the history of TCM, the restoration I did about 7-8 years ago was pretty extensive and... yep... I've spent the last few months DOING IT ALL OVER AGAIN. The splice line removals, painting out blemishes, correcting faded materials, etc. To some extent I'm STILL working on it as I feel I still need at least another 5-6 ours of restoration to make it perfect and I spent 11.5 hours going through it frame-by-frame myself (on one very lonely Sunday afternoon in Burbank at IVC), then spent another 36 hours painting and removing the splice lines already. Most of my remaining work will be on the B roll of Reel 1 [seems to have been eaten by a moose, or something and crapped out again and contains some wacky dirt we will have to remove digitally]. It wasn't there before and I don't exactly know what happened yet, but it still blows away the old transfer by a longshot (Don't EVEN get me started on that recent re-release sham from Pioneer that proudly proclaims it as a NEW transfer... sheesh... there outta be a law against what they did. It was NEW eight years ago. I don't mind them re-releasing it to capitalize on the remake but, for crying out loud, they made it sound like it was all-new and it was nothing more than a repackage).

If all goes well, we may do a regional/limited theatrical restored release of TCM next year... maybe. It's not 100% yet.

I am also still working on a Dolby Digital 5.1 remix, which isn't quite done yet (on VOOM they are playing it in Stereo Surround).

So there you have it...

I think I can breathe a little easier now.

Oh, and by the way... we will be releasing Dusty Nelson's long-lost snuff-film classic EFFECTS (1978), too... But we have to make new elements for that, so I have no further info at this time other than Dusty and star/producer/composer John Harrison are extensively involved with Synapse on this one. More to come as that develops (pun most definitely intended).
Texas Chainsaw

Anyone know when this will be repeated? That was an interesting post from the engineer that was working on this film.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre December 31: 11:45PM
January 1: 1:00PM, 9:05PM

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Part 2 January 1: 1:15AM, 2:30PM, 10:35PM

Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III January 1: 3:00AM, 4:15PM
January 2: 12:30AM

Thanks Sean! How do you find out this information? One of the on-line guide services?

An American Werewolf in London

Well, well... I liked the movie but now seeing it has a different spin. In the beginning the picture looked grainy (especially the scene where he was attacked). After that the transfer was fine and grainy dissapeared. I loved the werewolf convertion plus the x rated scene at the theater.

It was good to see it again, epecially in HD... Did you see that at the end the universal picture logo at end of the picture appeared all the way to the left of the screen instead of in the middle of the screen?
Monster HD Alert: Horror Long Weekend Marathon

If you have seen these in SD, sure you want to see them in HD DD5.1. Your wish has come true; prepare for a long weekend of horror provided by the Monster-HD channel.

  1. Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers December 31: 6:00AM, 2:45PM
    January 1: 4:45AM
  2. Halloween 5 December 31: 7:45AM, 4:30PM
    January 1: 6:15AM
  3. Friday the 13th, Part V: A New Beginning December 31: 9:30AM, 6:15PM January 1: 8:00AM January 4: 1:30PM, 8:00PM January 5: 2:30AM January 9: 6:15AM, 2:15PM, 10:15PM
  4. Friday the 13th, Part VI: Jason Lives December 31: 11:30AM, 8:15PM
    January 1: 9:45AM January 5: 1:30PM, 8:00PM January 6: 2:30AM
    January 9: 8:00AM, 4:00PM January 10: 12:00AM
  5. Friday the 13th Part VIII: Jason Takes Manhattan December 31: 1:00PM, 10:00PM January 1: 11:15AM January 6: 1:30PM, 8:00PM January 7: 2:30AM January 9: 9:30AM, 5:30PM January 10: 1:30AM
  6. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre December 31: 11:45PM January 1: 1:00PM, 9:05PM
  7. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Part 2 January 1: 1:15AM, 2:30PM, 10:35PM
  8. Leatherface: Texas Chainsaw Massacre III January 1: 3:00AM, 4:15PM
    January 2: 12:30AM
  9. The Gate January 2: 6:00AM, 2:15PM, 9:15PM
    January 3: 4:15AM
  10. The Undead January 2: 7:30AM January 3: 5:45AM
  11. The Amityville Horror January 2: 8:45AM, 3:45PM, 10:45PM
  12. Amityville II: The Possession January 2: 10:45AM, 5:45PM
    January 3: 12:45AM
  13. Amityville: The Demon January 2: 12:35PM, 7:35PM
    January 3: 2:35AM
Here's one scene where I though that HD made it clear that it was a mask that he was wearing. Seeing this same scene in SD does not reveal the same but looking at it in HD did not make you scare...

Worth to mention that these movies are all uncut - commercial free. Which is great! You just sit with popcorn in hands and enjoy the show...
There was a porno movie being shown within the movie - in the theater scene. Sure, it was not pretty looking because it was a movie within a movie but it gave you a slight preview of playboy/spice - hd. Hopefully, playboy/spice - hd would look a lot better though. :)
After watching first half of Friday the 13th VI and finishing NFL Game of the week, I am back to Friday the 13th Marathon part VII. I have not seen this one. I could see the twin towers in the openning which brings memories before 9/11.

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