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Monsters HD


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Sep 16, 2008
do u think dish will ever bring back the voom channels??? and why did they took it out in the first place?
do u think dish will ever bring back the voom channels??? and why did they took it out in the first place?
It's a long story and there are those who blame Dish and those who blame Voom.

If you search these forums you'll find hundreds of posts about it.
Voom and dish should have fixed this!

do u think dish will ever bring back the voom channels??? and why did they took it out in the first place?

Dish claims that Voom did not air enough programs. Too many repeats.
Voom claims breach of contract by dish.

Im sure both are right and wrong at the same time.

I am and always will be a huge Voom supporter. Great, unique programming.
Dish, in my opinnion, pulled a fast one by taking down all 15 Voom channels in one shot.
To this day they claim they have put on replacements. However, they have fooled no one.

Voom in the end was taken down in large part due to dish not wanting to pay them their due. Also dish did not like the long 15year contract they signed.

I feel Voom will never be back on dish. Unforunate but true.

I will say I love Dishes DVR..722 best in the market but they way they handled this debacle was a shame to Voom and to Dishes customers.
Dish claims that Voom did not air enough programs. Too many repeats.
Voom claims breach of contract by dish.

Im sure both are right and wrong at the same time.

I am and always will be a huge Voom supporter. Great, unique programming.
Dish, in my opinnion, pulled a fast one by taking down all 15 Voom channels in one shot.
To this day they claim they have put on replacements. However, they have fooled no one.

Voom in the end was taken down in large part due to dish not wanting to pay them their due. Also dish did not like the long 15year contract they signed.

I feel Voom will never be back on dish. Unforunate but true.

I will say I love Dishes DVR..722 best in the market but they way they handled this debacle was a shame to Voom and to Dishes customers.

The be fair, Dish says Voom broke the contract first, which gave them the right to pull the plug. They accurately claim Voom was required to spend a certain amount on programming a year. What is in dispute is the amount needed to be spent and how much overhead cost (if any) could count to programming expenses.

Dish also yanked 10, hoping to keep the 5 most popular channels. However, Voom said 15 or bust.

This will all have to be settled in a number of years by lawyers and judges.

Until then, I think Voom will die a slow death of Cablevision, only staying in existence to be able to claim 15 more channels. They either will not try (most likely) or have failed to market their programming elsewhere, both before and after Dish yanked them. As soon as they need Voom's capacity, it will be gone forever.
The be fair, Dish says Voom broke the contract first, which gave them the right to pull the plug. They accurately claim Voom was required to spend a certain amount on programming a year. What is in dispute is the amount needed to be spent and how much overhead cost (if any) could count to programming expenses.

Dish also yanked 10, hoping to keep the 5 most popular channels. However, Voom said 15 or bust.

This will all have to be settled in a number of years by lawyers and judges.

Until then, I think Voom will die a slow death of Cablevision, only staying in existence to be able to claim 15 more channels. They either will not try (most likely) or have failed to market their programming elsewhere, both before and after Dish yanked them. As soon as they need Voom's capacity, it will be gone forever.

You make some good points. However, Im hoping that Voom does not die at all.
There are indications they have already signed a contract with another provider.
As with all great unique prorgamming they dont last forever. Again Voom might be on life support with good signs of comming out intact.

I do think its bad bussiness not to negociate and come to '' yes'' on both Voom and Dish on this issue.
I believe that they both truely needed each other.
Level heads should have prevaled.

Again, dish and Voom at an immpass. I personaly would like to see dish suffer in this case.
No, im not a dish hater. I still have thereservice but I think the companies customer service is the worst.
was looking at the Monster schedule this month and its fantastic! Really miss that channel along with Rave. Wish they would work this out as direct tv does not have this and probably won't in the future. Something dish should have pushed more in it's marketing.
Me to, thanks to this site its really helped with the venting and coping. I am just happy others feel the same way I do about it even after months.
There are indications they have already signed a contract with another provider.

What indications? I think we will see the sell their content library (perhaps to Fios, who are developing their own Voom-like channels), but I have seen little indication they are anywhere close to getting the channels back elsewhere.
Same boring Tv..without Voom..

What indications? I think we will see the sell their content library (perhaps to Fios, who are developing their own Voom-like channels), but I have seen little indication they are anywhere close to getting the channels back elsewhere.

Something, im told, should happen before the end of the year with Voom airing elsewhere.

I can not deffinitively say '' its going to happen'' but all indications point in that direction.

I for one hope that they survive!! I really am tired of the same old ''boring'' stuff.
Dish and direc are one on the me. Yes, dish has a better dvr and direc has better sports. Ho Hum....

All I would give up to have Voom back in the fold.
Hey, I wouldn't mind seeing Equator back (but I do think Travel has been a reasonable replacement). They just didn't have enough for 15 channels (particularly with the limited bandwidth available for most to carry them).

Any clues as to where it might be heading?
was looking at the Monster schedule this month and its fantastic! Really miss that channel along with Rave. Wish they would work this out as direct tv does not have this and probably won't in the future. Something dish should have pushed more in it's marketing.

Yep, the schedule for October is awesome.
Hey, I wouldn't mind seeing Equator back (but I do think Travel has been a reasonable replacement). They just didn't have enough for 15 channels (particularly with the limited bandwidth available for most to carry them).

Any clues as to where it might be heading?

Not yet..but something might happen by years end. I really dont want to jinx anything.

I want Voom back in the worst way.

Travel channel is good! Yes, but still does not replace Equator. I like the wierd places Equator goes. Tribal rituals in Tibet?? Way too cool!

Monster HD, Nothing compares. Chiller, too me, is a big dissapointment. Plus it looks terrible in SD. Chiller HD is on hold?? whats up with that???

Equators replacement, smithsonian is good but not great.

Paladia is No Rave...I really miss Rave.. Repeatitive yes but concerts never sounded or looked this good.
Plus they actually played stuff I love..Phil Collins, Depeche Mode, Peter Gabriel, Genesis..

Boy do I miss Voom!
I've watched the Voom channels for hours total when installing, and never had a desire to watch them at home. I wonder how many people that claim they miss Voom actually use to watch the channels regularly versus how many are just upset that they lost channels?

Maybe I just have very different tastes than all these people raving about Voom, but I never saw the attraction. Equator was nothing but fluff that showed off how good HD looked (hey look, a snowy mountainside!.... 2 minutes later.... yep, that mountain is still there!).... Rave was terribly boring and seemed to be all about showing everyone how many blemishes and pock marks most rock stars really have on their face....

I will give you Monster HD.... I can understand the attraction there as it definately has it's niche market.... but the rest I just don't get what the big deal was.
I will give you Monster HD.... I can understand the attraction there as it definately has it's niche market.... but the rest I just don't get what the big deal was.

That is all I cared about really, although I did watch filmfest allot and made sure to check it for DVR treasures.

I miss Mosnters HD bad, best channel by far EVER and all the other premiums and what-nots that are showing Halloween films and CROPPING the OAR should be shamed (or burned at the stake).


All the cut, cropped, edited horror movies now playing for Halloween on any available HD channel is only making me miss Monsters HD even more.

Of course IFC HD is aring those great films and I bet they are with their OAR. They are airing the same films as Mosnters HD because they are both owned by Raindow Media. :mad:
I wonder how many people that claim they miss Voom actually use to watch the channels regularly versus how many are just upset that they lost channels?

Monsters, FilmFest, World Cinema (Voom Movies), KungFu and Equator were on my TV screen at least once a day EVERY day. I watched these channels quite a bit and after months without them, I still miss them!

But seeing as channels like INHD (Mojo) are now starting to fold as cable systems remove them in favor of "fake HD" channels in many cases, the likelihood of Voom returning to Dish is about the same of hitting the progressive slots at the same time as your winning powerball ticket number is called and Ed McMahon informs you you have actually won the Publisher's Clearinghouse Sweepstakes!

IOW I won't say "no chance". :)

See ya
Rave was terribly boring and seemed to be all about showing everyone how many blemishes and pock marks most rock stars really have on their face....

Rave was commercial-free and uncensored. Palladia, being run by MTV, is neither. I don't see why MTV needs to censor anything since they're not a broadcast channel*, but not only do they censor things that are government-mandated for broadcast channels, they censor things that are merely politically incorrect such as references to drugs and guns, or degrading references to women. The result is that the music gets cut to hell. (I don't watch/listen to rap, but I do watch/listen to heavy metal and alternative rock, and it gets the same treatment.)

*Which is not to say that I agree with the censorship of broadcast media. The Supreme Court decision on obscenity is completely unsupported by the Constitution in my opinion.
Many of the channels were junk. It's been a long time since I've seen someone complain about Ultra, Animania, Family Room, Gameplay, Treasure, or Gallery. The family channels have been well replaced by Disney, Toon Disney, and ABC Family (I imagine Nick will be here soon). G4 is going HD 12/8, and hopefully Dish will pick it up for the Gameplay crowd. I'm not sure anyone really watched Ultra, Treasure, or Gallery.

HD News was nice, but with CNN and CNBC being in HD, not to mention Fox News and MSNBC coming soon, it was becoming redundant. Hopefully Headline News will go HD as that is the closest equivalent (mmm... Robin Meade HD:))

Voom Movies and Filmfest were nice, bit the titles were too abscure. I think Rainbow held the good stuff for IFC. If only we could get IFC HD.

Kung Fu and Monsters served a nice niche. However, it seems Kung Fu wasn't that popular. Although I never watched it (save Planet of the Apes), it is probably the most deserving to come back.

Rush and Worldsport had some unique sports. If only Voom had put the 2 together, they could have been a good channel.

And Rave was the best music channel on TV, although I personally was not a fan.

All and all, Monsters, Rave, Equator, plus Worldsport carrying some Rush programming would be some nice programming. I would think Dish, Direct, Fios and some cable systems might be interested in that package.

KATU in Portland Oregon - not HD?

Do I have a bad separator?

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