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Monsters HD

Monsters is the one I of course miss the most. Although I was very aggitated during the 6-7 month period where they were showing the same crap day after day. Voom blames Dish for the repeats- not sure how true that is though. What I do know is the October schedule is one of the best I have ever seen. Makes you wonder if Dish did want them to cut back and appear worthless to many of us.
Many of the channels were junk. It's been a long time since I've seen someone complain about Ultra, Animania, Family Room, Gameplay, Treasure, or Gallery.
Gallery had a great show called Concrete Canvas - [ame=]YouTube - Concrete Canvas with Julian Beever: Philadelphia[/ame] - that I watched frequently. My granddaughter and I used to watch Flipper, Thunderbirds and UFO on Family Room. Rave and MonstersHD were excellent.

Its fun to talk about this again, just hopeful for some resolution. I keep getting emails from MonstersHD talking about movie marathons so hopefully that is something good.
I was really stoked to finally upgrade to HD w dish just to get the voom channels... and within months, dish took them away. Monsters is the channel I most missed, but I also enjoyed watching gameplay. I do wish there was some way dish & voom would work it out.
Gallery had a great show called Concrete Canvas - YouTube - Concrete Canvas with Julian Beever: Philadelphia - that I watched frequently. My granddaughter and I used to watch Flipper, Thunderbirds and UFO on Family Room. Rave and MonstersHD were excellent.


GalleryHD and TreasureHD (which arguably could have been combined into one channel and have been better off) was by far the most under-rated of Vooms offerings. The combination of the fine arts and HDTV was the perfect topic with the perfect medium. And yet there is no other channel of its kind out there accept for Voom...

...and yes, I miss MonstersHD too... ;)
Voom should drop a couple of the channels and sell the most popular ones off to every cable company. 15 is just too many, not for me I would love all 15 but a cable company doesnt want to have to commit to all of them.
I signed up for Fios internet service the other day and told them that if they can secure Monsters HD in their line up I would switch to them instantly. The lady sounded intrigued when I described what the channel was. She said she would definitely look into it and get back to me. I don't expect a call back really, but I wanted to plant a seed. I encourage everyone else to do the same. Spread the word about Monsters to every single cable provider you talk to who tries to get you to sign up, and let's see what happens.
Many of the channels were junk. It's been a long time since I've seen someone complain about Ultra, Animania, Family Room, Gameplay, Treasure, or Gallery. The family channels have been well replaced by Disney, Toon Disney, and ABC Family (I imagine Nick will be here soon). G4 is going HD 12/8, and hopefully Dish will pick it up for the Gameplay crowd. I'm not sure anyone really watched Ultra, Treasure, or Gallery.

I did watch TREASURE when they had new stuff but they were showing almost all reruns near the end...

GALLERY had some interesting stuff as well but, again, a lot of repeats.

GAMEPLAY was horrible - three year old repeats about video games? Come on now!

FAMILY ROOM and ANIMANIA were watched occasionally by my kids, there is so much potential for two channels with these themes and yet all of it was wasted.

I think we can all agree that a lot of the VOOM was pure fluff but there was a lot of good stuff there too. I too watched it at least once a day.
Yea I really miss Monsters HD. I'd pay 15 extra a month just to have the channel back. I miss the Kung Fu Channel also. October looks like an amazing month. Chiller is supposed to be HD by Halloween, but it really doesn't compare.
G4 is going HD 12/8, and hopefully Dish will pick it up for the Gameplay crowd.

HD News was nice, but with CNN and CNBC being in HD, not to mention Fox News and MSNBC coming soon, it was becoming redundant. Hopefully Headline News will go HD as that is the closest equivalent (mmm... Robin Meade HD:))

Do you have a link for G4 going HD in December? I'd love to be able to watch that channel again.

Also Robin Meade, yum. :)
Do you have a link for G4 going HD in December? I'd love to be able to watch that channel again.

Also Robin Meade, yum. :)

Link: Comcast Networks

Most of the Comcast nets are going HD then. E!, Style, the aforementioned G4, and Golf and Versus are separating into 2 channels. Given that Golf got knocked down to AT200 from AT250, I'm hopeful Dish has come to an agreement for these network. I would love to be able to watch The Soup again.

Unfortunately, I don't know when Headline News will go HD. :(
Link: Comcast Networks

Most of the Comcast nets are going HD then. E!, Style, the aforementioned G4, and Golf and Versus are separating into 2 channels. Given that Golf got knocked down to AT200 from AT250, I'm hopeful Dish has come to an agreement for these network. I would love to be able to watch The Soup again.

Unfortunately, I don't know when Headline News will go HD. :(

Thanks for posting the link!
Yea I really miss Monsters HD. I'd pay 15 extra a month just to have the channel back. I miss the Kung Fu Channel also. October looks like an amazing month. Chiller is supposed to be HD by Halloween, but it really doesn't compare.

ChillerHD would be better is no commercials during the movies and uncut.

I guess you guys missed this one. ChillerHD is now indefinetly on hold..

Click here.. ChillerHD

As you can see in this thread, I too am missing MonstersHD and don't consider Chiller a replacement with all the commercials and the butchering of the movies.
In my opinnion, pulled a fast one by taking down all 15 Voom channels in one shot.
They didn't pull them all in one shot, they wanted to keep the 5 channels that people actually watched.

Dish was told to return all the channels immediately or take them all off, so Dish complied by removing the 5 remaining channels from their lineups.

Those 5 channels would probably still be on Dish now if if they did not give Dish that ultimatium.
What indications? I think we will see the sell their content library (perhaps to Fios, who are developing their own Voom-like channels), but I have seen little indication they are anywhere close to getting the channels back elsewhere.

There are some rumblings it will be added to U-Verse, that might be the indication.
The folks I have talked with at UVERSE have told me they are interested in the VOOM channels however since they serve areas which are also services by Cablevision that they wont sell them access to the channels.

The same thing has been echoed to me from folks from Fios as well.
As far as Ultra.. I was maybe one of the 2 people who watched it. I NEVER watched Monsters. So too me who cares about Monsters. But that's why I have alike 400 channels of TV and there is nothing on!
The folks I have talked with at UVERSE have told me they are interested in the VOOM channels however since they serve areas which are also services by Cablevision that they wont sell them access to the channels.

The same thing has been echoed to me from folks from Fios as well.

Isn't this amazing? It seems that there is interest in the VOOM channels but the owners will not allow them on other providers systems even though they don't want to put them up themselves.

It's like they say "We don't want to air the VOOM channels and we won't allow anyone else to air them either"

I wonder how much of a hand Charlie has in denying VOOM to other providers? I'm reasonably certain he would not be happy if VOOM were to surface on Direct TV or U-Verse, or any cable services either.
I was in Walmart the other day and they were running non-stop VOOM programming on their 'showcase' HDTVs. There were little placards scattered throughout that said "Do you enjoy this? Talk to your cable operator about adding VOOM networks."

I thought this was very odd in light of developments the last 6 months.

FWIW, I loved the classic cartoons like pink panther & ant & aardvark as well as Family Room with U.F.O., Flipper and other 'unique' stuff you don't see every day.

In the end, that was what made voom so 'magical'. Programming you don't see on the normal networks and when I see what "big buck" channel operators like TBS are doing with their stretch-o-vision crap it makes me want to cry.

KATU in Portland Oregon - not HD?

Do I have a bad separator?

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