See, let's even say some enterprising companies come up with a cheap C-band setup... say $500 to have everything installed. Yes, it's cheaper than signing up with providers, but hey, no more monthly fee, AND the picture quality is better. Sounds great right?C band sounds nifty but is it easily accessible?
It doesn't appear to be something the average joe can easily set-up?
But you're giving up convenience. I don't know about anyone else, but I'll generally watch two shows at once... watch one, and on commercials, jump over to the other. Now on C-band, that could work if the channels are on the same satellite (not a given). However, what if there's nothing else you want to watch on that sat... you're stuck. PLUS, commercials might just be "black" where local providers would fill.
"That's fine, I DVR everything anyway." some might say. You're still limited to looking at one satellite at a time (unless you put up your own "dish farm"). So you might be stuck watching what you're recording anyway.

I will agree providers are compressing the heck out of the signal. But who's really watching iCarly for picture quality? Granted, you're not seeing ESPNHD at it's full resolution, but to me it's "good enough", and worth it for the convenience of getting multiple feeds. (BTW, those of you who like flipping between ballgames... yes, you can pick them up C-band (or Ku) IF you can find the coordinates, and IF it's not scrambled... again, neither of which is a given).