Moving? Call customer retention, get free tivo if you don't have one
Called the retention number last night to talk about my upcoming move. Currently only have one HDTV box on the service. Wanted to add a couple SD boxes. Don't need to buy them as I have been given them from my brother. Asked about what deal they could offer me considering I would be signing a new yr contract. Asked about a second HD box, no deals. Asked about TIVO, said well we can get you a Tivo box for free. That's right no charge, no shipping, free to me!
Called the retention number last night to talk about my upcoming move. Currently only have one HDTV box on the service. Wanted to add a couple SD boxes. Don't need to buy them as I have been given them from my brother. Asked about what deal they could offer me considering I would be signing a new yr contract. Asked about a second HD box, no deals. Asked about TIVO, said well we can get you a Tivo box for free. That's right no charge, no shipping, free to me!