I don't know about a specific county, but you may want to "move" to the NY or LA area (depending on which distant nets you want). That way you will get your "local" network channels, which have them on a national feed.
What are all 4 distant HD networks?
Are you sure it works that way? Locals and DNS are different animals. Locals are under localized spot-beams while the DNS East and West Coast feeds are available anywhere CONUS.
I understand what you are saying, but if OP "moved" to NY or LA, he would receive the big 4 Nets via the CONUS feed (but would not receive the other local, independent stations, because of the spot-beam issue).
Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe NY & LA are the only markets that have their local network affiliates available (if you qualify) anywhere via the CONUS feed.
all RSN's are CONUS but blackout rules still apply depending on the address
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