Your receivers also 'phone home' every now and then. I dont know if directv callerID's those calls and records the phone number used at the service address or not, but that might be how they got it.
After the email, they called my house this afternoon. I was going to the bathroom and missed the call. Checked my inbox and was left a different number to call back for the customer advocacy team. im also interested as to how they got my home phone number. it wasn't on my directv contact info.
the guy told me it would be a $200 charge, which made absolutely no sense.So what was the outcome of the contact with the executive office???
the guy told me it would be a $200 charge, which made absolutely no sense.
Reading this thread has both made me excited and hesitant about subscribing to D*. I love the idea that they may soon offer me the option to get MRV, but I hate the idea that if I order now, they are gonna give me old out-of-date hardware. Is this always the case? Will they not give you a good, new DVR with your new subscription? Or is this an isolated case? Cuz I really want to receive a brand new receiver.
Your biggest problem might not be getting newer receivers for mrv, it might be having a network that can sustain the throughput needed. Wireless G and older powerline stuff may not work, and some people have even had trouble with newer powerline and wireless N networks.
Of course, we may see some changes to how MRV works in the next CE.
You'll get longer 100Mb/s links with 5e and 6. Gigabit over more than about 7' runs wants cat6. Cat6 is more difficult to terminate than 5e, but unless you're doing 30-40 wallplates by hand, it doesnt matter that much.
I use a lot of Cat5e in Gb connections without any problem.
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