Along the same lock-in lines from the former Engadget editor...
iCloud and Apple's truth: can you win if you don't play? | This is my next...
iCloud and Apple's truth: can you win if you don't play? | This is my next...
Steve Jobs opined on stage at WWDC that "a lot of people think the cloud is just a hard drive in the sky." Oddly, what was meant to be a dig at the competition came off to me as a perfectly accurate description of the service he was in the process of introducing. While competitors like Google and Microsoft continue to pursue a strategy of "you everywhere" with front-facing web products that allow you to create and collaborate with nothing more than a connection and relatively modern browser, Apple seems to be moving almost backwards. Sure, syncing our devices is clearly an important and yet-to-be-solved problem, but Cupertino isn't just improving sync across devices. It also seems to be concluding that it can't — or won't — compete on the web, and I think that's a mistake.