For the last few weeks or so, the timer we set to record Desperate Housewives has failed to start. The Event histroy says the episode was recorded but it's nowhere to be found on the Disk.
I tried deleting and recreating a new timer. That didn't work. Last night, the timer didn't start at 9 so I manually recorded the episode. The little red light came on, the DVR said it was recording, so I thought we were okay.
Imagine my surprise when I went to check the DVR this morning and noticed that there was no episode of DH recorded. The even history was even missing. :shocked
This has also happened with episodes of E.R. Has anyone else had problems like this? Is there any way to resolve it other than switching to Comcast or Direct TV?
I've tried rebooting, different types of timer, ALL, NEW, DishPass, Manual. None seem to work. Are ABC (Di$ney) or Dish reaching down the phone line and stopping it from recording and even deleting recoded events?

I tried deleting and recreating a new timer. That didn't work. Last night, the timer didn't start at 9 so I manually recorded the episode. The little red light came on, the DVR said it was recording, so I thought we were okay.
Imagine my surprise when I went to check the DVR this morning and noticed that there was no episode of DH recorded. The even history was even missing. :shocked
This has also happened with episodes of E.R. Has anyone else had problems like this? Is there any way to resolve it other than switching to Comcast or Direct TV?
I've tried rebooting, different types of timer, ALL, NEW, DishPass, Manual. None seem to work. Are ABC (Di$ney) or Dish reaching down the phone line and stopping it from recording and even deleting recoded events?