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my D* installaiton | SatelliteGuys.US

my D* installaiton

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Aug 24, 2005
on oct 1st i called dishstore to get directv
placed my order, asked about giving a friends account number for referrel credit
was told to wait until its activated then give the credit
scheduled install for oct 9th 12-4pm

2pm oct 9th get a call. my installer has been in an accident and taken to hospital, please call them back. number is busy.
2:30 finally give up on that number and call 1-800-directv
tell them whats up and please have the scheduling office call me
3pm another tech show up
install goes fine, takes @ 2.5 hours

before acdtivation i again ask about the referel credit and am told to wait until activation, then call in

sunday oct 10 3pm i call in to put referel credit on

"oh we cant do that after acivation, the otheres where wrong"


so now im out 100 and so is my friend.

the csr escalated the call, the new csr put in a retailer complaint.

so be warned. if you have a referel credit do not listen to anyone. get it before activation, they dont tell everyone all the info.

sorry dishtore if this wasnt your fault, but she did the complaint without me even asking.
that is exactly what happened to me ! Can you say shady business and IT will get worse!! Trailer park trash of a company!!

I would ship everything back and go elsewhere! I wish I had done that!
on oct 1st i called dishstore to get directv
placed my order, asked about giving a friends account number for referrel credit
was told to wait until its activated then give the credit
scheduled install for oct 9th 12-4pm

2pm oct 9th get a call. my installer has been in an accident and taken to hospital, please call them back. number is busy.
2:30 finally give up on that number and call 1-800-directv
tell them whats up and please have the scheduling office call me
3pm another tech show up
install goes fine, takes @ 2.5 hours

before acdtivation i again ask about the referel credit and am told to wait until activation, then call in

sunday oct 10 3pm i call in to put referel credit on

"oh we cant do that after acivation, the otheres where wrong"


so now im out 100 and so is my friend.

the csr escalated the call, the new csr put in a retailer complaint.

so be warned. if you have a referel credit do not listen to anyone. get it before activation, they dont tell everyone all the info.

sorry dishtore if this wasnt your fault, but she did the complaint without me even asking.

Normally, thru D* you have to call a particular number at D* or your not gonna get it.
If you call the normal number and they set it up, you won't get it.
Seems kinda dumb, but thats what they have always done.
I was in the same boat as far as a referral goes, but that was many years ago.

Here's the latest:

DIRECTV: Referral Program
Yes they know this, maybe not the installers because it does not affect their pay. It does affect what dealers are paid to the negative. That is why some dance around this issue. The right person @ D* should be able to rectify this for you, unfortunately it will take some phone time to get resolved & possibly csr roulette.
Their should be a sticky for potential satellite customers and what to avoid as far as pit falls etc. It is very important on issues with referrals, having the right equipment, the number of rooms, rebates, & things like not signing off on an order unless a system is working etc.
Once a system is installed it is very hard to make changes on some things. Again there needs to be a must read sticky for folks looking to sign up for new service & a lot of this kind of stuff could be avoided.
Yes they know this, maybe not the installers because it does not affect their pay. It does affect what dealers are paid to the negative. That is why some dance around this issue. The right person @ D* should be able to rectify this for you, unfortunately it will take some phone time to get resolved & possibly csr roulette.
Their should be a sticky for potential satellite customers and what to avoid as far as pit falls etc. It is very important on issues with referrals, having the right equipment, the number of rooms, rebates, & things like not signing off on an order unless a system is working etc.
Once a system is installed it is very hard to make changes on some things. Again there needs to be a must read sticky for folks looking to sign up for new service & a lot of this kind of stuff could be avoided.

It would be helpful and nice, but, isn't that D* job ?
It would be helpful and nice, but, isn't that D* job ?

Yes, but when you deal with anybody other than direct, like a sales partner or authorized retailer. They are not always forth coming with new potential customers. Unfortunately it is the way the industry is. Also keep in mind that most advertisements we receive as consumers are from sales partners and not from the providers directly. Many people who sign up for new service are under the impression they called the provider directly, especially when it is a flyer they received in the mail. On the other hand there is many retailers who go above & beyond. Research & asking questions is key in signing up for a new service.
There is actually a bigger problem here guys. I used to support a third party retail of Directv (DishStore is similar). The problem is everyone who calls in that wants the refer a friend gets CSRs from the third party dealer that either don't know if they can offer the refer a friend (which they can't) or they know they can't and that CSR wants the commission. Based on my previous experience it was ignorance which was the problem. Also (and I know I will get heck for this) Directv puts a specific number phone number on the commercials they run but Directv customers either don't know that their friends need to call the specific number otherwise neither the new customer or existing customer can take advantage of the refer a friend offer. And by the way for everyone who says that Directv should eat the $100, let me explain the economics of this offer as I understand it. Since Directv sells the product direct to the customer for the refer a friend they can afford to give that extra $200 total to a new customer and existing customer. If they had to offer this in the indirect sales groups (Dish Store, and other Directv resellers) their new customer costs would increase since Directv would have to give the $200 plus the commission to the third party retail (which can be significant). Just some friendly information for everyone out there.
The retail office I work for does have the ability to do referrals and we do honor them all the time even though it does affect our pay. In my opinion we are 1 of the retailers that do go above and beyond. If we have an unhappy customer you can bank on them telling their friends and family not to sign up with us. We don't & will not play these games that others do. It is hard enough doing business in this tarnished industry than to try and pull a fast 1 on someone. We would close the doors before we stooped those levels.

*The time between my postings here I had taken a D* order & it is a referral from 1 of our existing customers & I will make sure it gets applied.
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There is actually a bigger problem here guys. I used to support a third party retail of Directv (DishStore is similar). The problem is everyone who calls in that wants the refer a friend gets CSRs from the third party dealer that either don't know if they can offer the refer a friend (which they can't) or they know they can't and that CSR wants the commission. Based on my previous experience it was ignorance which was the problem. Also (and I know I will get heck for this) Directv puts a specific number phone number on the commercials they run but Directv customers either don't know that their friends need to call the specific number otherwise neither the new customer or existing customer can take advantage of the refer a friend offer. And by the way for everyone who says that Directv should eat the $100, let me explain the economics of this offer as I understand it. Since Directv sells the product direct to the customer for the refer a friend they can afford to give that extra $200 total to a new customer and existing customer. If they had to offer this in the indirect sales groups (Dish Store, and other Directv resellers) their new customer costs would increase since Directv would have to give the $200 plus the commission to the third party retail (which can be significant). Just some friendly information for everyone out there.

Easy solution, handle it on the monthly bill, that way the retailer doesn't have to deal with money to the new sub.
on oct 1st i called dishstore to get directv
placed my order, asked about giving a friends account number for referrel credit
was told to wait until its activated then give the credit
scheduled install for oct 9th 12-4pm

2pm oct 9th get a call. my installer has been in an accident and taken to hospital, please call them back. number is busy.
2:30 finally give up on that number and call 1-800-directv
tell them whats up and please have the scheduling office call me
3pm another tech show up
install goes fine, takes @ 2.5 hours

before acdtivation i again ask about the referel credit and am told to wait until activation, then call in

sunday oct 10 3pm i call in to put referel credit on

"oh we cant do that after acivation, the otheres where wrong"


so now im out 100 and so is my friend.

the csr escalated the call, the new csr put in a retailer complaint.

so be warned. if you have a referel credit do not listen to anyone. get it before activation, they dont tell everyone all the info.

sorry dishtore if this wasnt your fault, but she did the complaint without me even asking.

Its sad that the retailer lied to you like that.. I am a Directv dealer and it costs me and EVERY other dealer out there $75.00 to do the refer a friend.. Which I myself do sometimes, but its sad that the retailer said they would but didnt.. it is true though, cant process it afterwards, and that retailer knew you couldnt.. crazy.. and i can rest assure you that it is there fault.. all of us dealers who signed the agreement to do the refer a friend, we have the refer a friend on our dealer portal right there when we run credit.. they know the rules, if they dont then they need there licensed cut in half cause its common sense for us dealers..
Its sad that the retailer lied to you like that.. I am a Directv dealer and it costs me and EVERY other dealer out there $75.00 to do the refer a friend.. Which I myself do sometimes, but its sad that the retailer said they would but didnt.. it is true though, cant process it afterwards, and that retailer knew you couldnt.. crazy.. and i can rest assure you that it is there fault.. all of us dealers who signed the agreement to do the refer a friend, we have the refer a friend on our dealer portal right there when we run credit.. they know the rules, if they dont then they need there licensed cut in half cause its common sense for us dealers..

D* doesn't reimburse you for that money ?
D* doesn't reimburse you for that money ?

No, basically, if we made a sell and lets say commission was $275.00 when we get paid on the account our pay will be $200.00 its nothing "out of pocket" but its subtracted from our pay.. Its not bad really, but when your doing it EVERYTIME it adds up, I use it when it helps me make the sell, I obviously don't advertise it :)
well im hoping anyone else that eads this doesnt get caught in it.
Im sorry to hear that my agents would not allow you to process the order as a customer referal. However your not out $100, as you previously mentioned because your going to send in the Dishstore rebate form and we are going to send you a $100 check.

The Rebate form is attatched to the bottom of this post, simply download it and mail it out and you'll have a check back in about 14 days after we receive it.

You couldn't combine the referal program with our rebate anyways, so either way your getting $100 back. Only difference is that we are giving you $100 upfront, where as Directv is going to give you $100 back over several months.

There is actually a bigger problem here guys. I used to support a third party retail of Directv (DishStore is similar). The problem is everyone who calls in that wants the refer a friend gets CSRs from the third party dealer that either don't know if they can offer the refer a friend (which they can't) or they know they can't and that CSR wants the commission. Based on my previous experience it was ignorance which was the problem. Also (and I know I will get heck for this) Directv puts a specific number phone number on the commercials they run but Directv customers either don't know that their friends need to call the specific number otherwise neither the new customer or existing customer can take advantage of the refer a friend offer. And by the way for everyone who says that Directv should eat the $100, let me explain the economics of this offer as I understand it. Since Directv sells the product direct to the customer for the refer a friend they can afford to give that extra $200 total to a new customer and existing customer. If they had to offer this in the indirect sales groups (Dish Store, and other Directv resellers) their new customer costs would increase since Directv would have to give the $200 plus the commission to the third party retail (which can be significant). Just some friendly information for everyone out there.

As far as referals, your 100% correct.

The problem with referals, especially today with the power of the internet is that everyone is a referal. A true referal is when a friend who already has Directv convinces you to get the service, and you sign up because of your friend. A referal is NOT when you have already decided to get the service, and someone offers their coupon code so they can get credit for a sale they did not make.

Im not suggesting this is the case with the person who started this thread, but I find this to be true 90% of the.

I can't tell you how many times I have had DISH customers call and try to use a Club Dish coupon and I have Googled the coupon code and found it posted somewhere on the internet.

But with Dish or Directv, we take a hit when its a "Referal" type sale, and it has an impact on the amount of the rebates we can offer our new customers who setup service. Unfortuntly we cannot combine rebates and Customer referals.

Claude Greiner


thanks for the explanation Claude
i gues the referal i had was kinda both. i was on the fence about directv, he was trying to talk me into it. that and various other things over the past few months made me make the switch. so he wasnt the sole reason, just one of several

i'll look into your rebate

thanks for thaking the time to respond. the one reason i called you in the first place was the reputation you have on this board for being a straight shooter
Im sorry to hear that my agents would not allow you to process the order as a customer referal. However your not out $100, as you previously mentioned because your going to send in the Dishstore rebate form and we are going to send you a $100 check.

The Rebate form is attatched to the bottom of this post, simply download it and mail it out and you'll have a check back in about 14 days after we receive it.

You couldn't combine the referal program with our rebate anyways, so either way your getting $100 back. Only difference is that we are giving you $100 upfront, where as Directv is going to give you $100 back over several months.

As far as referals, your 100% correct.

The problem with referals, especially today with the power of the internet is that everyone is a referal. A true referal is when a friend who already has Directv convinces you to get the service, and you sign up because of your friend. A referal is NOT when you have already decided to get the service, and someone offers their coupon code so they can get credit for a sale they did not make.

Im not suggesting this is the case with the person who started this thread, but I find this to be true 90% of the.

I can't tell you how many times I have had DISH customers call and try to use a Club Dish coupon and I have Googled the coupon code and found it posted somewhere on the internet.

But with Dish or Directv, we take a hit when its a "Referal" type sale, and it has an impact on the amount of the rebates we can offer our new customers who setup service. Unfortuntly we cannot combine rebates and Customer referals.

Claude Greiner

This site has a sticky thread on this very issue.
I am personally not a fan of referrals, because of the pay factor. On the other hand it has created sales we would have not otherwise had, so that part is good. Your right, everyone is a referral now, especially with the internet. Regardless of where they come from it is our job to honor them whether we like it not. (Referrals):down
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