The world changes. Nobody in 10-20-30yrs will care. The people in their horse and buggy probably said the same things about the Model T a hundred years ago.
I love tech.. My home is FILLED with tech. That's not my issue.. My issue is that tech should make things easier to make customizable. But, they don't, they seem to give you less choice.. To be honest, if you don't see that happening, then your probably not a 'do it yourself person' .. Anyone that is truly a tinkerer and digs into things knows how choice is being taken away from us...
Heck, i have temperature sensors and weather stations and solar panels , and run virtual machines and linux and windows and VPN's and Asterix phone systems. But, i have control of them, i can use them the way i WANT to use them.

Don't want to use Edge in Windows 11? Tough! Microsoft is taking away the option to open links in other browsers
It’s no secret that Microsoft wants people to use its Edge browser. It advertises it in Windows 10 and 11 and of course it’s the default in both of those operating systems too.