Well here we go. After reading some of the nightmare scenarios posted here I am now beginning to have my own. Signed up for Voom on Sunday - no problems, the CSR even verified the install date with Installs Inc. - it was all good. I was psyched. Last night I receive a call from an installer telling me that June 4th is not good for him because his company is only driving the 35 miles from their location to my home area once a week because of the price of gas. Flabergasted and amazed, I ask him my options. He says, pick another date at least a week out or maybe he can have it handed over to another installer. He stated that he does have the equipment so that is not an issue. I tell him I prefer the June 4 date due to my schedule and would prefer that it be handed off. This morning I called Voom to verify that June 4 is still a go and the CSR was not helpful at all. She called Installs Inc. who could not give her a new date, nor verify with the installer any new dates. I just got off the phone with Installs Inc. who informed me that they have emailed the installer and that I should call them back tomorrow. So right now I have a June 4 date that is probably not good with no alternative dates and probably a pissed off installer. Not good. Its never been so difficult to give my money away. Now I know why I've done all those D* self-installs over the years when I've moved from OH to FL to NY. Thanks for listening. Venting in NY.