I've been floundering around on the net for three days trying to figure this out. I asked on another forum but never got an answer except to make sure I got a Phase 3 dish. I am now a Dishnetwork subscriber in Warren County, KY. I don't qualify for Nashville locals but my OTA signals are poor. I am thinking about switching to DTV (no locals from them either) because I can get the 3 room with TiVo for free but TiVo doesn't work with OTA. My question is: It appears Warren Co. is borderline on the DTV spot beam for getting Nashville locals. It is the second county in KY on I65 directly north of Nashville, about 50 miles. I can't seem to find a spot beam map with enough detail to tell me if Warren Co. is covered. Bowling Green is in Warren CO. I have an apartment in TN that qualifies for Nashville locals so I can "move." Thanks for any help, Hutch