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Need help bypassing parental controls @ work. | Page 2 | SatelliteGuys.US

Need help bypassing parental controls @ work.

Please reply by conversation.
@ darrencp22 - Yes actually this is why unions exist. When you work for a company of 1000+ employees people in charge don't listen to the little people on the floor, they do however listen to union rep's. Not that I'm for the union, per se, but I don't have much say in the company and in this situation they go to bat for me.
Again would not matter what model box.. the lock out code is programed on the card when set by the reciever it part of the nds videoguard specification. So unless you have a secret hidden crack for the dtv cam then tere no way of wipping the passcode with out calling directv or finding out what it is from managment.

I dont care what you do Mr.Black I just telling you what your looking for is not possible.
People are lazy. The unblock code is probably 1111

That being said, probably impossible to enter without the remote.

Directv will sell you one.
Allright first off I really didn't come here to be lectured about the morality of what I'm trying to do. I came to the "satellite-guys" forum to get "satellite" information. Thanks for all the bitching about not having a TV at your job, we have one at mine, yes i realize its a privilege and yes we do work hard but the company gives us 30 minutes of unpaid time for lunch and I get to use it how I see fit.
And no it really isn't a big deal to have to watch TV at work but after being able to enjoy our lunch and breaks with some entertainment & interesting news we just wanted to have that back instead of having to watch CNN beat a dead horse every night.

From what I found out last night the reason it was blocked back to CNN and Weather is because someone on first shift was taking the remote from the pilot's lounge/breakroom and they were getting pissed so they complained to IT.

Anyways since this has turned into the "morality advice forum" I'll have to bitch to the union about it instead.

@ Jimbo - Thank you for giving about the only good advice/response so far to this thread. Sorry I don't know the model# of the box. The TV is getting programming from the driecttv box mounted beside it. It doesn't have the remote but we can navigate the menus/channels with the front buttons. From the info I gathered there were about 400+something channels purchased out of 600+channels and as of late all except 2 have been blocked out. Before when changing channels all it said was "channel not purchased" now it says "unblock channel".

All other TV's in the building have company stuff broadcast on them as far as I know the one in the breakroom and the pilots lounge are the only other ones with directtv access.

uhhhhhh Mr Black, if you look back I tried to ask some simple questions to get a feel for your situation an you started bitching at me\us. So how can you complain about no help when I tried to ask you some questions to get a better idea for your situation and you never answered me?
Allright first off I really didn't come here to be lectured about the morality of what I'm trying to do. I came to the "satellite-guys" forum to get "satellite" information. Thanks for all the bitching about not having a TV at your job, we have one at mine, yes i realize its a privilege and yes we do work hard but the company gives us 30 minutes of unpaid time for lunch and I get to use it how I see fit.

And that includes "hacking" your employer's equipment?!

And no it really isn't a big deal to have to watch TV at work but after being able to enjoy our lunch and breaks with some entertainment & interesting news we just wanted to have that back instead of having to watch CNN beat a dead horse every night.

Then "ask" your supervisors to do so.

From what I found out last night the reason it was blocked back to CNN and Weather is because someone on first shift was taking the remote from the pilot's lounge/breakroom and they were getting pissed so they complained to IT.

Anyways since this has turned into the "morality advice forum" I'll have to bitch to the union about it instead.

Good luck with that. I'm sure the union will be a help on that issue!

@ Jimbo - Thank you for giving about the only good advice/response so far to this thread. Sorry I don't know the model# of the box. The TV is getting programming from the driecttv box mounted beside it. It doesn't have the remote but we can navigate the menus/channels with the front buttons. From the info I gathered there were about 400+something channels purchased out of 600+channels and as of late all except 2 have been blocked out. Before when changing channels all it said was "channel not purchased" now it says "unblock channel".

All other TV's in the building have company stuff broadcast on them as far as I know the one in the breakroom and the pilots lounge are the only other ones with directtv access.

Man, what a me, me, me world this has become.
@ Ranmic - actually you said "BAM" and in your next reply you said "Understood. But in all seriousness, why don't you just go ask to have it removed for the night shift guys and gals? Did you ask and they said no? Did they say they don't know the code.......what?" and in your next post "Why don't you ASK YOUR BOSS and see what he or she says instead of trying to jack up their stuff? Go ask IT or HR I am sure they will be more than happy to help you jack it up."

don't be offended but I'm looking for hardware advice and all you gave was morality advice.

@ bjdotson - unfortunately i tried all the basics 0000, 1111, 9999, 1234 ... I can access basic menus without the remote, there are buttons on the front of the machine.

@ stonecold - thanks for an honest reply
@ Ranmic - actually you said "BAM" and in your next reply you said "Understood. But in all seriousness, why don't you just go ask to have it removed for the night shift guys and gals? Did you ask and they said no? Did they say they don't know the code.......what?" and in your next post "Why don't you ASK YOUR BOSS and see what he or she says instead of trying to jack up their stuff? Go ask IT or HR I am sure they will be more than happy to help you jack it up."

don't be offended but I'm looking for hardware advice and all you gave was morality advice.

@ bjdotson - unfortunately i tried all the basics 0000, 1111, 9999, 1234 ... I can access basic menus without the remote, there are buttons on the front of the machine.

@ stonecold - thanks for an honest reply

BAM! Thanks for clearing that up. Also, I'm not offended. Good luck.
@ darrencp22 - Yes actually this is why unions exist. When you work for a company of 1000+ employees people in charge don't listen to the little people on the floor, they do however listen to union rep's. Not that I'm for the union, per se, but I don't have much say in the company and in this situation they go to bat for me.

How much do you pay in union dues every month to have someone to complain to when you dont get eneough TV at work?
Dang a union that will fight for more TV channels... I cant even get my office to fill the snack machine. :D :D

Yeah StoneCold is correct there is no way of doing it without calling DIRECTV or finding the person with the remote and the code. :)
well seeing as i pay 2 hours of my paycheck every month in union dues I should make em work for something.

thanks again for the few guys who gave an honest and easy response.

and thanks for nothing to the rest of the internet-toughguys who only wasted time judging my actions. Goober22 go back to trolling at youtube you're not cut out for "satellite-forum" advice.
and thanks for nothing to the rest of the internet-toughguys who only wasted time judging my actions. Goober22 go back to trolling at youtube you're not cut out for "satellite-forum" advice.

Mr Black, maybe there's a better way to have put it, but if I was your boss, and someone told me about this, and I found it to be true, I'd simply FIRE you. Period. Having TV at work is a priveledge most do not enjoy, and to willfully try to circumvent the will of the company that was nice eneough to provide you with TV, in my opinion, is grouds for firing. Why not just ask your night time supervisor, or management personel one level up, why they did it, and what the prospects are for getting it changed? Thus you would earn respect instead of a pink slip.
To Mr. Black. May I make a suggestion for you. Just go to work and do your JOB. Like most have said, don't cry us a river because you want to watch tv or ask us to help you to tamper with equipent that isn't YOUR'S to begin with. Your lunch is 30 minutes long. Eat and get over it. Like I told you before, we don't have a tv in our breakroom. People spend LESS time in there and get their WORK done. What a concept. Get your priorities in order in this tough economy. Pink slips are not fun, especially if you get caught tampering with employer's equipment without permission. GET OVER IT.
To Mr. Black. May I make a suggestion for you. Just go to work and do your JOB. Like most have said, don't cry us a river because you want to watch tv or ask us to help you to tamper with equipent that isn't YOUR'S to begin with. Your lunch is 30 minutes long. Eat and get over it. Like I told you before, we don't have a tv in our breakroom. People spend LESS time in there and get their WORK done. What a concept. Get your priorities in order in this tough economy. Pink slips are not fun, especially if you get caught tampering with employer's equipment without permission. GET OVER IT.

We have a TV in our crew room, we use to have the TV on before starting time.
Until the Government got thier hands in it.

Once they went with the digital ONLY signal we no longer can get our locals and the locals offices are only around the corner.
To my surprise, when talking to them, they cannot get thier signal with the normal route of indoor antennas either.
To Mr. Black. May I make a suggestion for you. Just go to work and do your JOB. Like most have said, don't cry us a river because you want to watch tv or ask us to help you to tamper with equipent that isn't YOUR'S to begin with. Your lunch is 30 minutes long. Eat and get over it. Like I told you before, we don't have a tv in our breakroom. People spend LESS time in there and get their WORK done. What a concept. Get your priorities in order in this tough economy. Pink slips are not fun, especially if you get caught tampering with employer's equipment without permission. GET OVER IT.

JustinF, may I make a suggestion for you? Grow up, and stfu. No smiley here. What someone does on their break or lunch time is none of your business, even if they work for you.
well seeing as i pay 2 hours of my paycheck every month in union dues I should make em work for something.

thanks again for the few guys who gave an honest and easy response.

and thanks for nothing to the rest of the internet-toughguys who only wasted time judging my actions. Goober22 go back to trolling at youtube you're not cut out for "satellite-forum" advice.

Oh, Mr. 8 posts, my feelings are hurt. You need to grow into an adult & do your job! Ask HR/supervisor to help you. If they don't, so be it. THEY pay the bills for the service - not you. It is a company provided benefit that you seem to think is some GOD given right to you. Maybe you need to grow up and get priorities in order and stop the me. me, me attitude. Your post should be titled...


Really? Really?

What is wrong with people?!

My company won't let me...

- access the 'net - so I have the right to hack it
- access some sites (facebook, youtube, ebay, etc.) - so I can bypass it
- read me company email - so I can sue them
- expect me to work 8 hours for 8 hours pay (crazy - right)
- to not BREAK THE LAW (hacking, theft of service, violate corp policy, etc.)

Geez, why would an employer even want me to WORK!!!??? Thay should pay me because I showed up!!!
JustinF, may I make a suggestion for you? Grow up, and stfu. No smiley here. What someone does on their break or lunch time is none of your business, even if they work for you.

Let me jump in here and say...

It doesn't matter what an employee does on their break or lunch break UNLESS that thing is HACK/bypass security on company equipment! Really, you think that's okay?!

You think it's okay to hack a company owned STB?! If the company locks it down to one channel, and is not willing to change that, then that is what it is! You have no right to hack it. I dare say YOU need to Grow up and STFU. (your words - not mine - no smiley either! - well, okay :p )
Let me jump in here and say...

It doesn't matter what an employee does on their break or lunch break UNLESS that thing is HACK/bypass security on company equipment! Really, you think that's okay?!

You think it's okay to hack a company owned STB?! If the company locks it down to one channel, and is not willing to change that, then that is what it is! You have no right to hack it. I dare say YOU need to Grow up and STFU. (your words - not mine - no smiley either! - well, okay :p )

Do I think it's okay? It doesn't matter what I think, or you, or JustinF for that matter. The equipment doesn't belong to any of us. If his boss cares, then it matters to someone, again, not any of us. BTW, I never suggested that he hack the equipment. The only thing I suggested was that JustinF, and actually all of us, mind our own business. Oh, and stfu. Like I said, it's none of our business!
Please reply by conversation.


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