My uncle just signed up for the new customer Sunday ticket package. Any advice on how to get the superfan upgraded for free? Thanks in advance
Your Not!
If you do you got a csr that just tired of telling people they need superfan for hd.
Not sure I understand this. You do have to have superfan for ST games in HD.
Yeah I know all day all my sup calls I had were people mad that they had to have superfan for HD ... that htye were supposed to get it. with hd access. Just was not a good day to be on the phones.
And no we generally dont hand it out especially today unless we get so tired we dont want to put up a fight over it.
You can blame your marketing department for that one. Many of the Sunday Ticket commercials make it look like you get HD with just having ST. You have to read the small print on the commercial to see that you also have to have SF.
I know that the ads are misleading the fine print a $#$% but Everyone felt the need to yell and for tht they got 0 ... only 2 people say owe i did not know that and that kinda stinks the ad a little mis leadering with out yelling or screaming an those are the people i gave half off super fan too.
Yeah I know all day all my sup calls I had were people mad that they had to have superfan for HD ... that htye were supposed to get it. with hd access. Just was not a good day to be on the phones.
And no we generally dont hand it out especially today unless we get so tired we dont want to put up a fight over it.
Ok, I misunderstood.
I thought you were telling the OP that he did not have to have superfan for HD.
You are saying he more than likely wont get it.
I gotcha.
I still think he should call and ask. Nicely of course. I did, and it worked. Many others did as well, there is a thread here on the deals.
Hey, if yall say no, you are back where you started. Right?
Right I just do it tommarow or the day after as today most agents nerves are most likely frazzled.
I'm a new subscriber (joined about a month ago) and I wanted Superfan. I tried asking the CSR's a couple of times, but didn't get much headway with them on getting in thrown in for free. Since I'm new I figured I'd pay for Superfan this year and then next year I'll probably either have them throw it in free or I'll cancel the ticket all together. My favorite team is local, but being able to watch the other games is fun too. However full price for the ticket and Superfan won't be happening for me next year. I'll see what happens when that time comes.
Good deal, most should listen to this, but probably wont.....
If you say it is a deal breaker next year you will most likely get it.
I tend to be one of the nicer go out of your way sups and I was frazzled at the end of my shift. So most others will be to. It all about timing.
Limited time offer