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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 20, 2005
Gibsonia, PA
Have any of your neighbors ever complained or go so far as to demand that you remove a FTA dish or OTA antenna from your property?

I have a neighbor that I know has talked about the many FTA dishes and OTA antennas on my property with other neighbors. The other neighbors don't seem to care, but this woman just doesn't like them. Yesterday, she told my wife that she will be having a BIG party on the 4th of July and "demands" that we remove an old sandbox that is located near her property before then. My wife thinks we should remove it, but I think we should tell her to pound sand. I'm even thinking about installing another satellite dish right in the center of the sandbox and perhaps even painting the shed a bright yellow.
Have not ran into this personally but have had friends that have. Also like the sandbox, other things besides dishes.
I'm all about keeping the peace, but that is why I live out in the country on unrestricted land...and NO I will not remove something or change my property because someone else thinks I should.
Haven´t had the experience.
But the usual weird looks of:
What is that crazy guy doing installing yet another dish there ?
Is he trying to steal my wi-fi, etc ?
I have never had problems. One recently asked if they work(???) or were just ornaments. LOL.
1) Let her pound away. Once you 'knuckle' it's OVER. You'll be expected to "CONFORM' without - Resistance - is futile, past that point.
2) Tell her she should put up a fence if she doesn't want her visitors kids playing in your sandbox.
and you may begin 3) Let the other neighbors know that she's got too many flowers attracting dangerous insects, bees, to the neighborhood. (ha ha ha)
I have been approached by many neighbors while installing customer dishes asking if I had a permit, demanding it be moved, asking if I would quite an install for them, telling me that trucks aren't allowed in the neighborhood, my work woke their child from nap, they get more lightning strikes, illegal to receive anything but Dish or DirecTV....

So many people have nothing better to do than complain and try to control everything around them. :(

Is the sandbox an eyesore or a hazard? If so, maybe consider the request. If not, make sure it is neat/tidy and go on with your lives... :D
The property is surrounded by high hedges so people can't see squat. Even if they did they can't really say anything as the neighbors on the right are swingers and often have "parties" including some in their pool in the summer and the ones of the left are nudists from France.

I just wish I had a larger place to have a bigger dish(es)
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If you are not breaking any laws then don't give in. Agree with FaT Air - once you cave you will always be expected to. One of the reasons (among many) that we moved to the country were nosy neighbors that always had to mind everyone else's business. We had a BIG antenna (second largest Radio Shack sold at the time). Several neighbors asked about whether it really needed to be that big (meaning they were gently hinting that it would be a good idea to remove it without coming right out and saying so). We had another neighbor that 'couldn't seem to recall' where the boundry line was and constantly hacked at my wife's lilacs (he finally killed them - think he just wanted them gone to get a better view of things to complain about). When the apartments next to our house were purchased by someone who didn't care who he rented to and some drug dealers moved in, we finally moved out to the country. Have had no problems since. :)
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Ah, but I have good neighbors, can walk to a grocery store, several restaurants, schools from pre-school to grad school, dry cleaning and tailors, etc. and I have FIOS! Plenty of entertainment options. Could never live long enough to keep up with Smithsonian changes alone. Different cultures and foods and festivals. And a almost good enough subway system. Not to mention good hospitals, and ER I am all too familiar with 2 miles away and access to military health care and other benefits.

I couldn't imagine living in a black and white area ever again.
Might put out some cat food near the sandbox. :-)

As has been said, if it isn't a safety hazard and is in good order, I wouldn't do a thing. If it needs a little attention, maybe you should give it some. I have not had the problem. Live in area that still thinks that as rule you generally have the right to do pretty much whatever, provided it is not a safety hazard.
Not sure what these neighbor critters are you speak of.
They sound very annoying and troublesome, sorta like groundhogs.
Can you trap them and bring'em to the next county and release them?

I would just fire a few hundred rounds into targets now and then to
scare them off, you could try that if they become nuisance.
Continuous rapid fire from a 30 round mag seems to work the best.
That usually keeps unruly critters off of my land and minding their own business.
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Perhaps a photo of the offending sandbox would help.

Personally, if it was me and I didn't have kids that used the sandbox then I would get rid of it. Especially if my wife also wanted it gone.
Have any of your neighbors ever complained or go so far as to demand that you remove a FTA dish or OTA antenna from your property?

I have a neighbor that I know has talked about the many FTA dishes and OTA antennas on my property with other neighbors. The other neighbors don't seem to care, but this woman just doesn't like them. Yesterday, she told my wife that she will be having a BIG party on the 4th of July and "demands" that we remove an old sandbox that is located near her property before then. My wife thinks we should remove it, but I think we should tell her to pound sand. I'm even thinking about installing another satellite dish right in the center of the sandbox and perhaps even painting the shed a bright yellow.

Where does it end?

If you aren't in an HOA that restricts everything, tell her to have her party on the other side of her lot. If that doesn't work, tell her to get bent. I don't suggest you escalate by installing things just to piss her off though, that's just crass.

Don't let neighbors have power over you, unless you pre-agreed by buying a house in a restrictive HOA.
Neighbor kid asked me if I had a cat. I said yes and he said the cat was poopin in his sandbox. I asked him if he had a cover for his sandbox. He said no. I told him then it isn't a sandbox it's a cat box ;)

Years ago I was rehabbing a house we bought, and was outside doing something. A small neighbor kid comes by, and asks me if I saw his cat. I said: "No, haven't seen any cats. I LIKE cats, ESPECIALLY with GRAVY!" and I licked my lips. lol

I never saw that kid again, during the remaining months it took to rehab and sell that house.
Thanks guys for the suggestions. I'm going to clean up the area a little by trimming the weeds and perhaps remove a shrub or two, but the sandbox is staying until I get time to remove it on my own terms. Once I give in, she will next be demanding that I remove a dish and that will never happen.
My neighbors know better than tell me my dishes must go.Hell feel like sending you a free old 10 footer just to p*ss em off even more.Better yet can probally find an old 12 footer for you.
Popcorn put up a bigger dish just to aggravate that neighbor some more. Sandbox what else is next to move. Make a quicksand box any animals get in it will be a problem no more. I live in an apartment complex from hell that hates satellite dishes, and my neighbors get jealous of me that don't have a dish but I have one. They still want to get rid of my dish to make other people happy.
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