It's always easier if you can get along with your neighbors. We have the newest house in our small rural housing development. I discuss with my adjoining neighbors my plans for landscaping and such to get their input. Sometimes they actually give me better ideas than what I had planned originally, since they have lived here longer and know what plants and such work better here. They have offered us some extra flower buds and off-shoots.
Before I set-up my BUD I let the neighbor on that side know so it wouldn't come as a total surprise.I also explained that there was no location other than my front yard to mount a dish. (I wish I COULD have put it somewhere besides my front yard) I just recently let them know I was planning a second bud install.
Those same neighbors have a motorcycle trail that crosses over my property line a few feet. I told them NOT to worry about it... I have no plans for that area at this time and there's no need for them to move the trail over. If I ever DO need to put something over there, then it is understood that the land IS my property. They will actually wet down the trail when it is dry to prevent dust from blowing over toward my house when they ride. If I had been a hard-butt, I could have legally forced them to move it over.Then they could have legally showered us with dust all summer long from only 4 extra ft away.
Another thing that is important to me: I go out and shovel, pull up roots, rake, etc. I have to rest often due to disability. The neighbors drive by and see me sitting on the ground and ask if I am ok. It's a good feeling to know that they won't leave me laying there if I have a stroke or something!
In my opinion, being a good neighbor goes well past what is legally allowed. You piss off the neighbors and you may regret it one day. Maybe your car won't start.You need to borrow a tool. Etc, Etc. (One neighbor borrowed my ladder a few days ago)
Which would you rather live beside? Someone who says "It's mine, I'll do anything I please on my property." Or some one who says "It's mine but I'll do my best to get along whenever possible."