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New apps

I would like to see Tune In Radio... and since DISH is promoting the big I Heart Radio show in Las Vegas on Facebook how about an i Heart Radio app too! :)
Yeah Sports App would be a big plus where you can add your favorite NFL,MLB,College Teams, plus NASCAR so forth.. Also make it where it tells you what channel their playing on.. :)
HBO GO. This one should be a no brainer, as they are an HBO carrier, and already have an arrangement with HBO to allow Dish subs to use it anywhere.

Plus, it wasn't long ago that Dish bragged about being able to watch an expanded HBO lineup, similar to what's available on HBO GO. Yet, they still only offer the extremely limited HBO OnDemand offering, which is the same thing available from virtually every other carrier.
A better Weather App please, one with moving radar in full screen that shows detailed storm tracks with Warning boxes like what you see on TV or weather web sites.

After all we never did get that Regional Weather Channel like they promised in there press release after that fight with the Weather channel. I know they pilot tested it in some markets and then stopped rolling it out for some reason. They just need to put it on the Primetime anytime spot bean for each market low res.
I'll throw out the crazy one: Netflix. I know it probably the last app Dish would ever release, but a guy can dream, can't he?
I would like an app that makes my hopper work like a DVR. As in record what it is supposed to. Dish needs to get the Hopper to do what it is supposed to before it spends time developing apps.

favorites not remembering channels

Two hoppers seeing each other but have a question

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