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New Channels Added: - Discoveries & Fox Movie

truqui said:
Tim...very well stated!!! I'm all for Voom to suceed but if I want to "support" Voom, I'd be buying stock not paying more for it's service. I'll support my family, my charities, schools, homeless, people with terminal diseases but not a business that's in the business of getting my money...

I disagree!!!

I am happy to "support" voom via the VaVaVoom package. I don't see it as much as an investment in Voom, as an investment in HDTV! What do you think Directv or Dish is going to do in the "HDTV" market if voom fails? Do you really think they are going to run right out and add a bunch of HD programming? I don't think so. I think they will take it as a sign that HDTV market is a flop.

If we enjoy being on the cutting edge (and I think voom is!) with HDTV, we need to be willing to show an interest in the service!
Tiering of services

Some one in this thread state that they would like a package that included just Voom 21, and all the other non premium HD channels in a stand alone package. And would be willing to pay a fair price for it. Well would $50 a month be fair? 'cause that is what you got with Voom, AND you get 50 plus other channels for free!! or is $50 too much? How about not having to buy the receiver? or pay $0.22 for the remote rental? (my local cable co. charges that for rent), How about if the equipment is installed for free, and serviced by technicians (quality of that service in some areas may be low, no need to comment). How about no 2 or 3 year commitment? Just 6 months. What if they threw in high quality service of all your Local Channels? (if you get none, then you're not local).

If all you watch is HD, then those pesky SD channels can be hidden on your voom box.

Everyone's definition of "basic" is different on this board, but everyone with a voom sub originally agreed to the definition of basic. but now everyone wants "their" basic needs covered at a basic price. Sorry, it probably won't happen if you are finicky about your needs. You may need to pay more than hambuger pricing to enjoy steak, EVEN THOUGH hamburger may include a few steak pieces.

For those that feel slighted because last month the only thing you wanted was a DVR but now that Voom has claimed to be expanding, your bitchin cause you don't get to enjoy the expansion, get over it. If that is you, then you can thank God Dolan for giving you one more thing to whine about, since that is the only thing that makes you happy.

Everyone. . . (scratch that) . . . many here are complaining that basic voom doesn't have Every SD channel, well basic cable in my area doesn't either, in fact it's 16 channels including 4 shopping channels, NO HD channels, not even the locals in HD,yippie! Even expanded cable only has 70 channels with plenty of Spanish channels and even more shopping channels, and that is $40 a month (NO HD). If I get "Digital Cable" for $70 (60 for the service, and 10 for the ONE receiver) then I can have hundreds of channels I don't have the time to watch, but not HD, HD takes another $20 or $30 with a DVR, but that doesn't include DiscoveryHD yet another $10 for the one channel. Add some premiums for $15-20 bucks per package. Get over it.

Since D* and E* have been successful with multi tier packaging, it is almost certain that V* will assume that same structure as they get more channels ramped up.

But trying to compare V* to E* or D* by counting channels, "Well E* has the XX number channels for $xx. and D* has XX channels for $xx.xx" OH MY GOD, let's count the shopping channels on D* and E* as real channels (no offense intended, for those of you with shopping maniacs for wives) and all the pre-paid progamming as real channels, and all the . . .

Which channels do you watch? Does Voom have that entire group at a reasonable price? does D* or E* have that exact group, or do you have to buy more than the $10 basic E* package to get those programs. Then you add in the Extra HD (if you don't feel that Vooms HD options, voom21+ and other HD versions of channels) is worth anything then you are connected to the wrong service provider.

Even if they split their teirs and have 15 options, don't expect them to group their "tiers" is the way you want. That is what "packages" are for. You won't find a "sports tier", you'll find a "sports package", ADDED onto what ever "tier" you are paying for, that tier will have some sports already, and some movies and some news and some discovery channels, maybe even the ones you want.

I personally wouldn't pay $40 bucks for one channel or 5 channels either. VavaVoom isn't requiring that you pay $40 for one or five channels. They offer packages, Basic Voom is over 100 channels (Audio included) for $50 bucks, and VavaVoom, which is about 30 channels for $40 bucks more. If you don't need the 30 channels then don't pay the $0.75 each.

Voom has alway kept the Sports and Marquee packages as separate for description but have included them in basic voom, that could change.

Whew, got that off my chest, but I reserve the right to amend or amplify or even add onto these items in the future
I do show interest and I am wanting HDTV to flourish.
Why do you think I purchased an HDTV and Voom service in the first place?
But again we are talking HD not SD...!!! For more and better HD I am willing to pay an increase but not for SD, unless it is a niche tier and it appeals to me...
And another thing. . .

When did we all get an addiction to any one channel? Before NFL ticket, were people keeling over in the streets and we just didn't know the reason? And now Sunday ticket is the cure, more people are living longer lives due to this breakthrough in Medicine?

. . .Or FoodTV or HGTV or DIY, or TV Shopping, or the RSNs. . .

If your channel isn't airing try expanding your horizons and watch something completely new. Youmust have done that at least once before otherwise you wouldn't have these fixations now about channels that didn't exist 20 years ago.

And if you just can't give it up, then admitting you have aproblem is the first step to recovery.

And cold turkey is the best way to get past the jonesin'
67Yv8t said:
Some one in this thread state that they would like a package that included just Voom 21, and all the other non premium HD channels in a stand alone package. And would be willing to pay a fair price for it. Well would $50 a month be fair?
No. That would be what I'm paying now, but for fewer channels.

67Yv8t said:
If all you watch is HD, then those pesky SD channels can be hidden on your voom box.
Um.. thanks.

67Yv8t said:
Everyone's definition of "basic" is different on this board, but everyone with a voom sub originally agreed to the definition of basic. but now everyone wants "their" basic needs covered at a basic price.

Everyone. . . (scratch that) . . . many here are complaining that basic voom doesn't have Every SD channel, .
I think you're completely missing the point of the many posts you take issue with (some would say whine about). I haven't seen anyone complain that basic Voom doesn't have every SD channel, nor demanding that all our particular favorites are part of basic. The main point as I see it, is that they're gonna have to go to tiers/packages for their programming to make any sense whatsoever. The channels they added to VaVaVoom are not premium channels.

67Yv8t said:
Since D* and E* have been successful with multi tier packaging, it is almost certain that V* will assume that same structure as they get more channels ramped up.
That's all I'm saying.
Hi-Vac said:
I disagree!!!

I am happy to "support" voom via the VaVaVoom package. I don't see it as much as an investment in Voom, as an investment in HDTV! What do you think Directv or Dish is going to do in the "HDTV" market if voom fails? Do you really think they are going to run right out and add a bunch of HD programming? I don't think so. I think they will take it as a sign that HDTV market is a flop.

If we enjoy being on the cutting edge (and I think voom is!) with HDTV, we need to be willing to show an interest in the service!
I have no problem with you choosing to support Voom by subscribing to VaVaVoom. What I resent is the suggestion that I am somehow required to do the same because I enjoy HDTV.
kfried001 said:
OK, so they should add another tier, but not include the new channels in the base package. VOOM should add a "Variety Tier" like Cox for these channels. But I can't believe how many people want them to include it for $49.95.

As far as supporting VOOM with your wallet. I will because I want them to survive even if it costs more than D*, E* or cable. Remember we are not comparing apples to apples when comparing VOOM to E* or D*, its more like apples to pear pits. VOOM is hurting right now and they need all the help they can get. If you just want the cheapest $$$ then goo with D* or E*. I am friends with a local installer, and BTW, installers have weekly con-calls with VOOM. He said that VOOM is positioning itself to be a premier service and after all said and done it might cost $150.00 to get all the RSNs in Hi-Def, OutDOOR Channel in HD and others. I for one would pay in a heart-beat because I don't see a viable HD alternative at this point.

I respect your opinion, but do you think your statement "And I think you all should buy a new Navigator each year to support Ford Motor Company" was really required. VOOM is going through some hard times is concentrating more on adding new channels to gain subs (because that's what everyone eas whining about) than worrying about what tier to put them in. Let's support VOOM in the short term to make them survive and then worry about the other stuff in a few months.
I have no problem with you choosing to support Voom by subscribing to VaVaVoom. It was that statement that we all should do the same that bothered me. Do your thing, man. I'll do mine.

If the Ford comment somehow offended you, I do apologize. I was trying to illustrate how bothersome it can be for someone to tell you what to do with your money. And Ford really could use the support. :D
TheTimm said:
And I think you all should buy a new Navigator each year to support Ford Motor Company. :rolleyes:

For anyone who didn't get the sarcasm there, let me 'splain: I'll "support" Voom by paying a fair price for the excellent service they provide me as long as they provide it and there isn't someone who can give me a better value. While I'm sure eighty or ninety bucks a month for a million and a half channels sounds like a great deal to many, there are also many guys (myself included) who will never pay that much monthly to watch tv -- especially not just to show "support" for a service provider. And that's what Voom is -- a service provider. They're not my wife, they're not my family, they're not my favorite charity. They don't get my "support". They get my business. And as long as they continue to provide me with a tv deal I like, they will continue to get my business.

Now, I'm not "pissed" or angry that they messed up adding these channels. I just think they're screwing up an opportunity to add more subs/provide better service. Humor yourself if you will, that adding these channels to VaVaVoom is going to get a bunch of subs to upgrade but I think that's very unlikely. And if anyone out there was waiting for the Military Channel to be added before subscribing to Voom, they may hesitate when they find out that in order to get it they must sub to VaVaVoom instead of basic. For some folks this will be about as effective as not adding these channels at all. That is a big part of why I hope they're positioning themselves for another tier or two of programming. The point of adding new channels is to please current subs and attract more. The way they did this, they left out a huge chunk of their subs and will do little to attract new subs -- certainly less than adding these channels to basic would have done. All of this is just my opinion of course. I could be wrong. As I speak Voom could be getting overwhelmed by people clamoring to pay eighty bucks a month now that they can get Discovery Kids.

Well, amen to that. I ordered VaVaVoom a couple of months ago when the entire future of Voom seemed in doubt, thinking I would get the most hd that I could for awhile. In my opinion, the premium channels are just so-so, with a few blockbusters and a bunch of run of the mill movies. Plus, it may be heresy to say this, there are too many channels for me and I spend too much time combing through them to find something to watch. Also, VaVaVoom is too much money for me to justify spending each month on television. The kick in the pants is by taking VaVaVoom it will cost me an extra $10 a month to switch back. I agree, too, that making the new sd channels part of VaVaVoom was a mistake. I am sure there was some reasoning to that, at least I hope there was.
TheTimm said:
I have no problem with you choosing to support Voom by subscribing to VaVaVoom. It was that statement that we all should do the same that bothered me. Do your thing, man. I'll do mine.

If the Ford comment somehow offended you, I do apologize. I was trying to illustrate how bothersome it can be for someone to tell you what to do with your money. And Ford really could use the support. :D

You know, when I think about it, I have a problem with this entire notion of exalting Charles Dolan to messianic hd status based upon what he is trying to do with Voom.
Granted, his ideas may be visionary (that may be a little lofty, too), but he is not in this venture for altruistic reasons.
He is a gambler who is betting that if Voom works out, then he will make a ton of money as well as helping hd. I hope he succeeds and he deserves the money if it works out.
Ultimately, the marketplace will determine if Voom succeeds, fair or not, and what I do to support Voom is to be a subscriber and to pay my bill every month. I wouldn't chastise the complainers and "whinners" too much because they are also important in pushing an enterprise along, sometimes faster and further than it wants to move.
kfried001 said:
I respect your opinion, but do you think your statement "And I think you all should buy a new Navigator each year to support Ford Motor Company" was really required. VOOM is going through some hard times is concentrating more on adding new channels to gain subs (because that's what everyone eas whining about) than worrying about what tier to put them in. Let's support VOOM in the short term to make them survive and then worry about the other stuff in a few months.

Boy, I sure am getting tired of hearing when customers and consumers complain about something, they are inherently whining. If consumers do not complain, then companies (any of them, really - this statement is not Voom specific) are given free reign to run roughshod over 'em. I guess that's what some people would like to see happen? On to the specific issue, I really don't see whining here. Just complaints that Voom views these channels exactly the same as premium movie channels such as HBO. There really is a logic gap there, and if some people can't see that at this point, then I don't know what to say to explain it. If you believe that potential new sub's who want (for example) Discovery Science or Discovery Kids, but would never subscribe to HBO, etc are simply going to come to Voom and plunk down an extra $40 on top of the base price to get that channel(s), then I suspect strongly you are mistaken. I really don't see that happening in the marketplace, so am unclear on what the purpose of this move was. I don't think by adding these channels to the high-end tier, anyone is going to upgrade to get them - and I don't see new subscribers being excited about the idea either *unless* they would be coming to Voom at this level already. I could see their additions in the base package being an additional lure to potential new sub's, but not at the $80 (plus rental fees) level. BTW: for those who want to "support" Voom via their pocketbook, you could pre-pay for the year (heck, even a few years) so they can have the money now when they most need it. I am pretty sure that you will just be credited for future months if you do that.

kfried001 said:
You have the ladies covered now which was a smart move because the men bring VOOM into the homes.

Wha??? This is an odd statement. In our house, DeeAnn was pushing me to get Voom from very early on. I was the one saying "no" - and that was partly due to having to buy the equipment, and partly due to limited programming. I finally assented once a rental option was available and programming got up to a level that I felt I could live with. Men are not necessarily the ones who bring Voom into the homes.

kfried001 said:
You pretty much have the men satisfied with "some" sports but you need to round this out quickly. Now the kids are next, Nick E/W, Disney E/W, Nick GAS and NickToons. For the HD Inhd1 & 2 are awesome as is HDnet, ESPN2HD and the OUTDOOR Channel 2 HD in spring.

I agree with this from a marketing and sales perspective, but that is not how you present it, so will reply in this sense. I hate sports - it bores the hell out of me. I would like to see Trio and BBCA and some other channels (heck, Boomerang and Monsters HD were my draws to the service in the first place, as we didn't have Boomerang previously). But yeah, keep the little woman happy with her little craft and soap opera-type channels, because that's what all women like - and really it is the only way for the big strong man of the house to get the service hooked up in the first place so he can watch sports and televised hunting 'cuz that's what big strong men like. Uh-huh.
I hear what you're saying Lurch4711. It seems the critics come out fierce against Voom and they predominantly slice from a certain old-school male demographic. Why these folks can't acknowledge that Voom isn't aimed at them, so drop it and get back to the D* forum is beyond me. Did the selection in Voom 21 not offer some subtle hints that, while the programming aims at diversity, it isn't exactly aimed at the average Nascar fan. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Just dif'frnt.
TheTimm said:
I have no problem with you choosing to support Voom by subscribing to VaVaVoom. It was that statement that we all should do the same that bothered me. Do your thing, man. I'll do mine.

If the Ford comment somehow offended you, I do apologize. I was trying to illustrate how bothersome it can be for someone to tell you what to do with your money. And Ford really could use the support. :D
Here was my message:

"As far as supporting VOOM with your wallet. *** I will because I want them to survive even if it costs more than D*, E* or cable. ****

Did I tell YOU to do the same. NO. I said I will because I want to support them as much as possible to give them as much financial support as I can. You can do whatever you want to do.

I also said "Let's support them" meaning the die-hard VOOMers who don't see any other alternative to VOOM.

So where did I tell YOU to support them? I didn't, so you have nothing to resent.

You said "What I resent is the suggestion that I am somehow required to do the same because I enjoy HDTV". Did you read what I wrote? You already get your HD withouth paying more. It's the SD you have to pay extra for, so I guess I don't understand your contradictory statement. You are getting the HD for $39.95-$49.95. Why are you required to spend more to get what you are already getting, unless what you are implying is that you want your HD and SD for the same price. Which, since VOOM is an HD centric provider and not an SD centric provider would not be fair to them.
aboali said:
the tim you stole the words out of my mouth
i dont care how many chanels they add to vavavoom i simply am not going to pay that much. and dish and direct knows that most americans wont pay 90$ a month thats why they got more than one choise for under 50$ and thats why they got all the subs and not voom. when you look at voom you picture it as something aimed at the higher middle class and above and not for everybody. thats at least how it apeared to me. i have told several of my freinds about voom and they are intrested untell i tell them how much it costs. and that is what is herting voom the most. in my opinion.
Well look at the people that spend $11 a month for a few HD channels from D*. Doesn't it make more sense to spend $30 more and get a lot more than HDnet/movies, Discovery, ESPN and Universal?
aboali said:
the tim you stole the words out of my mouth
i dont care how many chanels they add to vavavoom i simply am not going to pay that much. and dish and direct knows that most americans wont pay 90$ a month thats why they got more than one choise for under 50$ and thats why they got all the subs and not voom. when you look at voom you picture it as something aimed at the higher middle class and above and not for everybody. thats at least how it apeared to me. i have told several of my freinds about voom and they are intrested untell i tell them how much it costs. and that is what is herting voom the most. in my opinion.
Maybe that's where VOOM's niche will be, fewer subscribers paying $150.00 per month. If you can't afford it, then don't get it; there are alternatives. In fact, I if the the numbers make sense, maybe they won't need as many subs to make money if they raise their rated enough and give more content than other providers. I for one would pay an additional $25 more per month for Hdnet/Movies, Ind1 & 2, Outdoor Channel HD and my local RSN in HD and ESPN2-HD. I will pay even more for more HD like EOD-HD. I enjoy the better SD pic as well on VOOM. I am willing to pay a lot more to VOOM than to D* or E*. Some people can afford it, some can't.

Maybe VOOM needs to raise rates to compensate for a fewer number of subs.

*** This is just a thought, not meant to insult anyone's income level ***
kfried001 said:
Did I tell YOU to do the same. NO. I said I will because I want to support them as much as possible to give them as much financial support as I can. You can do whatever you want to do.

I also said "Let's support them" meaning the die-hard VOOMers who don't see any other alternative to VOOM.

So where did I tell YOU to support them? I didn't, so you have nothing to resent.
I must have misunderstood this part of your post :
kfried001 said:
I think everyon should get VaVaVOOM too support VOOM
If this was indeed simply a thought meandering through your head and you in no way meant that that everyone should get VaVaVoom to support Voom, well then I apologize for such a horrible misinterpretation of your post.
kfried001 said:
Maybe that's where VOOM's niche will be, fewer subscribers paying $150.00 per month. If you can't afford it, then don't get it; there are alternatives. In fact, I if the the numbers make sense, maybe they won't need as many subs to make money if they raise their rated enough and give more content than other providers. I for one would pay an additional $25 more per month for Hdnet/Movies, Ind1 & 2, Outdoor Channel HD and my local RSN in HD and ESPN2-HD. I will pay even more for more HD like EOD-HD. I enjoy the better SD pic as well on VOOM. I am willing to pay a lot more to VOOM than to D* or E*. Some people can afford it, some can't.

Maybe VOOM needs to raise rates to compensate for a fewer number of subs.

*** This is just a thought, not meant to insult anyone's income level ***

Yeah my income level is pretty low that is why i could only afford the basic package. If i get rid of my DSL i might be able to afford the VAVA VOOM but if that happens i can't post in here and i Love these forums it helps me allot.

Thanks Scott and Sean for all the good info keep up the good work and may we all be Vooming next month.
kfried001 said:
Maybe that's where VOOM's niche will be, fewer subscribers paying $150.00 per month.


Market share is vital. I really don't think this will be the way to go if the company is to exist in the long-term.
lurch4711 said:
Boy, I sure am getting tired of hearing when customers and consumers complain about something, they are inherently whining. If consumers do not complain, then companies (any of them, really - this statement is not Voom specific) are given free reign to run roughshod over 'em. I guess that's what some people would like to see happen? On to the specific issue, I really don't see whining here. Just complaints that Voom views these channels exactly the same as premium movie channels such as HBO. There really is a logic gap there, and if some people can't see that at this point, then I don't know what to say to explain it. If you believe that potential new sub's who want (for example) Discovery Science or Discovery Kids, but would never subscribe to HBO, etc are simply going to come to Voom and plunk down an extra $40 on top of the base price to get that channel(s), then I suspect strongly you are mistaken. I really don't see that happening in the marketplace, so am unclear on what the purpose of this move was. I don't think by adding these channels to the high-end tier, anyone is going to upgrade to get them - and I don't see new subscribers being excited about the idea either *unless* they would be coming to Voom at this level already. I could see their additions in the base package being an additional lure to potential new sub's, but not at the $80 (plus rental fees) level. BTW: for those who want to "support" Voom via their pocketbook, you could pre-pay for the year (heck, even a few years) so they can have the money now when they most need it. I am pretty sure that you will just be credited for future months if you do that.

Wha??? This is an odd statement. In our house, DeeAnn was pushing me to get Voom from very early on. I was the one saying "no" - and that was partly due to having to buy the equipment, and partly due to limited programming. I finally assented once a rental option was available and programming got up to a level that I felt I could live with. Men are not necessarily the ones who bring Voom into the homes.

I agree with this from a marketing and sales perspective, but that is not how you present it, so will reply in this sense. I hate sports - it bores the hell out of me. I would like to see Trio and BBCA and some other channels (heck, Boomerang and Monsters HD were my draws to the service in the first place, as we didn't have Boomerang previously). But yeah, keep the little woman happy with her little craft and soap opera-type channels, because that's what all women like - and really it is the only way for the big strong man of the house to get the service hooked up in the first place so he can watch sports and televised hunting 'cuz that's what big strong men like. Uh-huh.
First I am glad to finally here that a women wants VOOM in the house, she must be a very intelligent person. Most women I know, really don't care if it's V*, C*, D* or E* as long as they get to watch what they want. What I meant by that comment is that VOOM is addressing all parts of the family.

As for having to upgrade to VavVaVOOM to get the extra Discovery channels; I do think it is wrong, but I think we need to give them a little slack and time to think of how they will tier them since so much is going on with the company right now. Currently I think they might be scrambling to bring online as much programming as possible without having to deal with the computer issues of programming in new tier rates. VaVaVOOM was a package already in the computers so they used it. I am sure you can switch back without paying $10 more if you try hard enought.

Kudos to your wife for bringing VOOM in!!!
TheTimm said:
I must have misunderstood this part of your post :
If this was indeed simply a thought meandering through your head and you in no way meant that that everyone should get VaVaVoom to support Voom, well then I apologize for such a horrible misinterpretation of your post.
The thought was there, it just did not come out correctly as I was typing too fast.

"If this was indeed simply a thought meandering through your head and you in no way meant that that everyone should get VaVaVoom to support Voom, well then I apologize for such a horrible misinterpretation of your post."

I meant for the time being, until a tier is developed and priced into the computer that everyone that wants these new channels should sign up for VaVaVOOM for $80.00. It is a good solid price. Then when the tiers come out lower the package. I did not mean for it to sound like everyone should get VaVaVOOM forever, which it did sound like. Just give VOOM a little time to sort things out.
truqui said:
One question to you kfried001 Has anyone at Voom let us know that they are "hurting" or going through "tough times"? NO
Granted we have been privy to all this because we read and we are part of these forums but they haven't said a word!
I think that maybe 90% of the subs who aren't part of these forums are saying
"What, pay more for SD commercial channels?" And I'm sure they haven't a clue about what is going on at CVC/VOOM
My point was that D*, E* and cable provide a lot of SD on inexpensively but charge a lot for HD.VOOM is just the opposite. They provide a lot of HD inexpensively and charge a medium fee for SD. You are correct though, the majority of the people are not privy as to what is going on, but then what does that really matter. If they want the extra channels let them pay for it, if not then don't.

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