That's probably because a lot of people that have an HDTV don't subscribe to HD programming (most of them don't know they need to) and thus, SD and HD will look the same to them on their HDTV.Most of the people I talked to before I bought my TV said they couldn't really see much difference between the HD and SD channels on most of the shows, aside for Sports and Nature shows...I sure can see a differnce..
Analog sd on cox cable looks better than Dish or directv SD Channels
I agree with this. SD PQ on an HD tv IMO never looks even close as good as it does on my 32" Sony CRT tube tv. That TV is Number 1 in SD PQ in my house. My 37" Philips Looks GOOD ,but my 52" Sony looks OK, thats about it! Dishnetwork has the same results,but if you hook the SD TV2 option to an HD tv,Thats just like watching analog OTA.My question then come the freakin SD picture from D* looks a hell of a lot better on my SD TV (36 inch Toshiba), then it does on any of the HD TV's. Isn't it true that the HD sets just were not made to recieve SD signals that well??
stupid question from me....when the digital date comes up in feb09 will these 'sd" channels then look better ?
So SD on 32" better than 37" better than 52". Notice a pattern?I agree with this. SD PQ on an HD tv IMO never looks even close as good as it does on my 32" Sony CRT tube tv. That TV is Number 1 in SD PQ in my house. My 37" Philips Looks GOOD ,but my 52" Sony looks OK, thats about it!
I am new to this so please be kind..I just purchased a Sony 52" XBR4 and had DirecTv hook up their new HD DVR and the new dish..My HD channels are great, my SD channels are terrible...I have had 2 DirecTv techs out and they both basically say that's the way it is, one actually said DirecTv made the new boxes do this so you can see how much better the HD picture is..I just fail to believe this is true...Can anyone give me some input on this? Thanks
How's SDDVD look? If it looks okay then it must be DirectTv's over-compressed SD.
So SD on 32" better than 37" better than 52". Notice a pattern?
My question then come the freakin SD picture from D* looks a hell of a lot better on my SD TV (36 inch Toshiba), then it does on any of the HD TV's. Isn't it true that the HD sets just were not made to receive SD signals that well??
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