I guess by "scanning" you mean: Your outside moving the dish around hunting for a new satellite.
What you need to do is look on Lynsat or sathint and find a frequency. Then ask here to see if it is current. Because, what you need to make sure of every time you try for a new bird is; that you have a good known working transponder to work with.
disclaimer: The below assumes a standard LNBF with a LO of 10750. Also receivers will vary on how it performs blind scans.
The 20000 is the symbol rate the MUX is using for that transponder. These numbers will vary.
When you do a blind scan, most will either start at 11700MHz and go to 12200MHz. The symbol rate for the MUX is not the same as the frequency.
Google can be your friend on how all this works. If you are entering a transponder manually you will need to know the Frequency, the Polarity, and the Symbol Rate.
Once you lock onto a signal from a manual entry, then you can perform a blind scan.
So let's take 97W and the 12152 H 20000 for example.
Here you entered it manually and found the satellite. Then when you perform your blind scan it will scan starting at 11700MHz then 11701, 11702,......12198, 12199, 12200MHz.
It will scan 11700-12200 H(Horizontal Polarity) then it will scan 11700-12200 V(Vert. pol.)
When it detects a signal on a frequency, say 12152 on H, it will scan through the range of Symbol rates looking for a match.
The receiver has no idea what is there, nor does it care where the dish is aimed as long as it is on a satellite. It will just BLINDLY go looking.
We humans organize it into 95W, 97W, 99W, etc, so that we can keep straight, what is what. In other words you could go in your receiver and select 123W BUT your dish is actually aimed at 97W. Do a blind scan and it will populate the channels from
97W. Even though it is labeled in the receiver 123W it has no idea what bird it is really on. This would work fine and you could watch TV just fine, except it would start getting really confusing, and fast.

Just take your time and read, read, read, read, and read some more. Search SatelliteGuys here there are several threads that will explain things. Then experiment with your equipment to your hearts content. This is the only way to learn it. Eventually things will start falling into place, you will start having A HA! moments, and OHHH I GET IT NOW moments.
It is a hobby, have fun. If you start getting frustrated by something walk away from it for a few, when you come back with a fresh mind, it will jump out at you.