It is not like they are not trying to get more content for their HD channels. Please take a look at New Content on Voom's exclusive HD channels. Yes, maybe this does not satisfy everyone but I know it will give us something new to look at.
DivineHD must be on an intermission so you have some spare time on your hands.andrzej said:Do you have a non-tv life vurbano?
You seem to be watching (or wanting to watch) a lot.
vurbano said:DivineHD must be on an intermission so you have some spare time on your hands.
Channel 122, though the PG still shows it as Epics which was moved into one of the Cinema10 chanels.circuslove said:What Channel number is this???? I do not see it in the PG or on the Zap2it Guide. Maybe Ive just been staring at this computer screen too long.
I think it was the name "andrzej"andrzej said:why did Divine come to your mind vurbano?
yup, the first day at least. But I was amazed at discoveryHD when I first saw it on D*... but that amazement ended after a few weeks.Walter L. said:It's definively a step in the right direction. Let's give it some time to get more content. Even "as is", EquatorHD is still better than Epics
I don't think we can compare InHD to any of the Voom originals. It's like comparing Angelina Jolie to Mindy Cohn, it's not close. INHD does repeat many of the travelHD stuff Equator HD has, but InHD having MLB three times a week gives them 3 more compelling shows than EquatorHD, IMO. The world location, native story, geography, etc. genre is super-saturated by Gallery, Equator, Bravo, and DHDT right now. If Voom wants to duplicate programming, why not give us SpiceHD? Charlie E. has proven it's a valid business model.TC_Lauderdale said:All the HD channels I have seen are hurting for content. I have InHD 1 & 2 via Comcast and they repeat just like DiscoveryHD and the rest of the lot. We just have to have a little patience until the rest of the world embraces the HD revolution.
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