"promote to article" must be staff as I'm not seeing it.What is this "promote to article" and "blog this post" at the end of each posts now?
noticed that to but am not literate enough to know what that "info" was called. OH OH! SMILIES NOT WORKING!!!!!!!Attactchment, spell check and other options are gone after clicking on "Go Advanced".
Yeah... I need my smilies! cool.noticed that to but am not literate enough to know what that "info" was called. OH OH! SMILIES NOT WORKING!!!!!!!
:neener:haha:boink: just making sure..Looks like we are missing the icons for the new editor. Trying to find them now.
For now if you mouse over the spaces it tells you what they are.Looks like we are missing the icons for the new editor. Trying to find them now.
:cry: ::behindsofa:: Cool. Now-:focus::neener:haha:boink: just making sure..
Ok hows that?
I had to upload /images/editor which had new icons in it. When I updated I used the version with no images as if I use that version it overwrites a lot of our other images with default vbulletin images.
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