I think I got the idea that I could do this with only one coax from the DPP LNB from Brussam in post #40
What is the best way to bundle a pair of RG-6 coax cables? Zip tie every several inches? Super glue? Hot glue gun? As I said earlier, the idea of dragging around 50' of cable TWICE is just a tad repugnant!
Just bought some 50' was just under $20 with the weather boot endsYou can buy dual RG6 that is bonded together.
Thanks JSheridan. I found it at AMZN - 50' ~$19. I went by the local Dish installer training center and talked with a tech guy there. Showed him the pix of my convenience center with the separator. He confirmed what NYDutch and JSheridan say.... need the dual messenger to run two Wally receivers off the DPP LNB. Ordered some with weather tight connectors and also picked up an El-Cheapo cord reel from HD. I'm glad I found out about the dual stuff since I thought it might be a nasty job bonding two together in a nice way.
It was suggested to me that grease on the mast flange would be asking for trouble in that the wind might easily turn the dish if there is no resistance. What say you?
Yes the skew matters...point the bar that the LNB is mounted on for the azi..It's going to take some time to move slowly until you hit the sats.. don't get frustrated.. forget the apps and use thisSo now I've got the messenger dual cable hooked up to #1 & 2 of the DPP LNB. I've mounted the 1000.2 on one of the permanent supports set up in my RV cover with a clear view of the sky at the correct azimuth. The mast is level, plumb and straight up. What do I use as a reference point on the dish to get it looking at the right spot (azimuth)? I've preset the skew & altitude setting per dish pointer app to 46.2 elv, skew says 55.9?? Another app says skew 46. And another says skew 124. The phone app says skew 34!? Does skew matter? And ............ What part of the dish needs to point at 218.2 mag azi?
The bar that holds the LNBF head is not what to aim. The best reference is the vertical support blades at the back of the dish. When you set the Skew, the arm is turned away from the focus direction, to the right.Yes the skew matters...point the bar that the LNB is mounted on for the azi..It's going to take some time to move slowly until you hit the sats.. don't get frustrated.. forget the apps and use this
I was using the center of the bolt as the index mark!! Not the straight metal line in my pix.
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