100 HDNews-High definition news reports and photographic essays from around the world i love news but i have one problem it seems like they report the same news every 10 minuets.
101 Family Room- I need to see a movie from these channel my only problem with me is i only watch movies with 3 stars and up i am pretty picky.
102 World Cinema-I have not paid to much attention to these channel but i need to, soon i will sit down and watch stunning crisp HD format-for picture quality that's six times better than even the best DVD.
103 Film Fest- I believe we should see some Mirmax movies on these channel but i have not seen one Mirmax Movie yet i thought Voom has the rights to show Mirmax movies oh well.
104 Kung Fu- Need i say more Jet Lee, Jackie Chan, and many more i love Kung Fu Only if they could talk in there Original Language hearing there Voice sounds pretty weird.
105 Guy TV- If it is Guy TV i should Love these Channel.
106 HA HA- Comedy i love it and i can't wait to watch a good comedy.
107 Majestic- what does Majestic mean i need a Dictionary oh well i have a goal to watch a movie from these Channel.
108 Vice- WOW i can't believe these channel i saw the Proffesional and i love every minuet of the Movie i had seen these movie before but never in HD.
109 Gunslingers- I thought Clint Eastwood did some Gunslinger Movies were are they Voom give us some Clint Eastwood.
110 Divine- Okay i have been in these Forum for the last few months and i know what these Channel is not that there is anything wrong for being Gay they might help Voom getting more Subs so keep these channel we don't want Voom to get flame by the Gay and Lesbian crowd.LOL
121 Monsters- Jason, Freddy and many more Monsters i Love these Channel keep the Monsters coming Voom and i heard Jason is coming next month.
122 Equator- WOW what could i say breathtaking quality and substance i am glued to these channel these is a must for all Voomers to watch.
123 WorlSport- I love BasketBall and Baseball but i don't like Socer and Hockey i could probably get used to hockey if i really sit down and enjoy it in all it's glory in HD. I could never see that puck it so small but with my 106 inch screen i should be able to see the Puck and maybe i might see some good fights.
124 Rush- We got some crazy people out there but heck i Love watching them do there stunts.
125 Rave- WOW crank up your stereo for these one i saw Phil Collins in HD and it was amazing.
126 Ultra-Global trends in food,fashion,art and more in stunning HD
127-Auction-Features of avid collectors and their sometimes quirky collectibles.
128 Gallery- Welcome to a place where art is truly alive and totally engaging.
129 Lab- LAB HD is redefining how you use your HDTV. You'll find Tank the only HD, exotic aquarium.
130 Animania- I love these channel i love the Classics especially the Pink Panther Voom add some More Classics please.
I also like ESPN HD TNT HD i don't got the VA VA VOOM package but i bet i would love HBO HD, Showtime HD,Cinemax HD and Starz HD.
101 Family Room- I need to see a movie from these channel my only problem with me is i only watch movies with 3 stars and up i am pretty picky.
102 World Cinema-I have not paid to much attention to these channel but i need to, soon i will sit down and watch stunning crisp HD format-for picture quality that's six times better than even the best DVD.
103 Film Fest- I believe we should see some Mirmax movies on these channel but i have not seen one Mirmax Movie yet i thought Voom has the rights to show Mirmax movies oh well.
104 Kung Fu- Need i say more Jet Lee, Jackie Chan, and many more i love Kung Fu Only if they could talk in there Original Language hearing there Voice sounds pretty weird.
105 Guy TV- If it is Guy TV i should Love these Channel.
106 HA HA- Comedy i love it and i can't wait to watch a good comedy.
107 Majestic- what does Majestic mean i need a Dictionary oh well i have a goal to watch a movie from these Channel.
108 Vice- WOW i can't believe these channel i saw the Proffesional and i love every minuet of the Movie i had seen these movie before but never in HD.
109 Gunslingers- I thought Clint Eastwood did some Gunslinger Movies were are they Voom give us some Clint Eastwood.
110 Divine- Okay i have been in these Forum for the last few months and i know what these Channel is not that there is anything wrong for being Gay they might help Voom getting more Subs so keep these channel we don't want Voom to get flame by the Gay and Lesbian crowd.LOL
121 Monsters- Jason, Freddy and many more Monsters i Love these Channel keep the Monsters coming Voom and i heard Jason is coming next month.
122 Equator- WOW what could i say breathtaking quality and substance i am glued to these channel these is a must for all Voomers to watch.
123 WorlSport- I love BasketBall and Baseball but i don't like Socer and Hockey i could probably get used to hockey if i really sit down and enjoy it in all it's glory in HD. I could never see that puck it so small but with my 106 inch screen i should be able to see the Puck and maybe i might see some good fights.
124 Rush- We got some crazy people out there but heck i Love watching them do there stunts.
125 Rave- WOW crank up your stereo for these one i saw Phil Collins in HD and it was amazing.
126 Ultra-Global trends in food,fashion,art and more in stunning HD
127-Auction-Features of avid collectors and their sometimes quirky collectibles.
128 Gallery- Welcome to a place where art is truly alive and totally engaging.
129 Lab- LAB HD is redefining how you use your HDTV. You'll find Tank the only HD, exotic aquarium.
130 Animania- I love these channel i love the Classics especially the Pink Panther Voom add some More Classics please.
I also like ESPN HD TNT HD i don't got the VA VA VOOM package but i bet i would love HBO HD, Showtime HD,Cinemax HD and Starz HD.