wfj5444 said:
I just want some information about how I can line it up again but I can't seem to find anything.
Thanks a bunch guys.
On the Dish Network site:
Tells you how to set up the mast to make sure it is level up & down.
Get a compass from Walmart or somewhere for 4-7 bux.
Enter your zip code in the receiver. It will give you the settings for your dish.
If you want to do it on the web:
Set the elevation(up angle) to the scale on the back of the dish. It should already be set pretty close unless your roofers really goofed it up. THe Skew(twist) should already be set too.
All you should really need to do is find out where in the sky the satellite is(left-right)
180' is due south(give or take a few degrees for magnetic deviation in your area)
With your compass pointer directly on 180, look at the AZIMUTH setting for your zip code. Point the LNB of the dish in that general direction.
Make sure your TV is on and you are in the dish pointing menu and the sat is set to 119. A second person makes this a little easier so they can call out when you get close.
If you are in line with Phonix AZ you will be pointing it almost straight south. West coast, you will point it left of 180, east coast you will point it further right. Move it a little at a time. Just nudge it until you hear a tonal change on your TV. You should get it fairly close using this method. Once you have a high pitched tone(90-125), adjust it so that it is the best signal. Tghten everything down and recheck.
These aren't complete directions, but they should help.