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Newbie question about baseball blackouts | SatelliteGuys.US

Newbie question about baseball blackouts

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Original poster
Jul 30, 2005
I'm new to DirecTV. I've only had it for about 3 hours now and I like it so far. I've searched the forums, and I couldn't really find an answer to this. My question is about the FSN/Fox Sports Net and RNA channels. I don't understand how the blackout rules work. I'm in southern New Jersey so I am part of the Philadelphia region. When I go to the games on either the FSN or RNA channels I get one of these 2 messages.

Program not Available in Your Area.

For Ordering Information Call Cust. Serv. Ext x721

I assume these games are being blacked out? The games I've selected are not on any local channel. How do the blackouts work? I'd like to watch Mets games on FSNY. How do I know if they'll be blacked out?

Thanks in Advance For Your Help!!!
I've done more reading on the MLB Blackouts. Why can't they make this simple? So I'm in Southern NJ. I get Phillies games on local channels. The Mets, Yankees, Orioles, Nationals, and Pirates are all within a reasonable distance from here. Will I be able to get the games of these teams on FSN/RNA channels if they're not televised on another station?
It actually is pretty simple. Since you are in the philadelphia area you can only watch phillies games. If you want to watch the mets or any other team from outside your area you have to subscribe to MLB EI.
I used to get weekend Mets games on WPIX. Now I don't get any. My uncle doesn't live close to any MLB team, so he gets Orioles, Nationales, Pirates, and Yankees games. So I get ripped of because I'm in the Philadelphia region? How do I know if I'm in the Philadelphia region? I live about 50 miles outside of Philly.

Are NHL and NBA the same way? So why do I have these RNA channels listed if I can't watch them?
It actually really sucks. I live in Central NJ and have gotten both New York and Philadelphia channels my entire life. With D*, though, I'm locked into Philadelphia channels only (even though I'm virtually equidistant from the two cities).

I thought I'd be able to watch the Yankees games on Yes, but they too are always blacked out. The worst part about it is that if you have cable, it's not blacked out. So my next-door neighbor's Yes channel has the Yankees on, but my Yes has it blacked out. It's pretty idiotic.

The explanation I've gotten is that cable defines its areas based on counties/townships, while satellite is forced to assign individual zip codes to particular markets.

So people like me have to decide which is more important: the Sunday Ticket or seeing the Yankees (and other NY programming).

To be honest, football's #1 for me so I'm stuck with D*. If that was ever available via cable, though, I'd seriously have to consider dumping the dish.

Getting both NY and Philly channels is considered something of a birthright in this area, and living with only one kinda blows.

Football is most important to me too. I only care about baseball because my girlfriend watches it. I'd rather watch a High School football game than MLB, but in the summer there isn't much else on TV.

Is hockey the same rules as MLB? Hockey is second after football, and I'd like to get some more games besides Flyers, or do I have so sign up for the NHL Center Ice Package?
sgordon77 -

I think you're probably stuck with just Flyers. Although you may also get the Devils when they move to Yes Network. We (assuming you're central NJ too) DO get the Nets on Yes, just not the Yanks.

Football is definitely my priority, but NFL ST is really the only reason I chose satellite over cable. I know it's less expensive, and cable companies are generally "bad guys," but the overly-restrictive blackout rules really bum me out.

So to answer your question, I think you have to go "center ice."

Good luck!
Now I'm really confused. I'm in the Philadelphia Region, so I only get Phillies games. The Phillies game tonight is on Comcast Sportsnet Philadelphia, which we don't get. I looked through the entire guide and the Phillies/Cubs game is on two channels. One of the RSN channels and the MLB EI channel. I don't subscribe to MLB EI, but the Phillies game wouldn't be on there anyway because it's local. When I go to the RSN channel, I get the message.

Program not available in your area
Check Program Guide for Alternate Programming

Am I missing something. Every other game besides the Phillies games are blacked out, and now, I can't watch the Phillies games either. Does it really work like this?
crowe1130 said:
I thought I'd be able to watch the Yankees games on Yes, but they too are always blacked out. The worst part about it is that if you have cable, it's not blacked out. So my next-door neighbor's Yes channel has the Yankees on, but my Yes has it blacked out. It's pretty idiotic.

I have a similar issue with Black Outs, I live in East Alabama right on the Georgia border, when I had cable I could get Braves games when they were on ESPN. Now that I have Satellite, when the Braves are on ESPN they are blacked out, Which really stinks because I would love to be able to watch them on ESPNHD once in a while. On the other hand, they are never blacked out on TBS. It makes no sense at all. :mad:

I guess Braves fans and Yankees fans can agree on something after all :)

By the way....The Yankees suck...LOL :D
Why can't I watch Reds games when they are not being broadcast on my local FSN. When another FSN channel has it, it is blacked out? It's not like I can go to all the away games.
because you are in the reds area and mlb doesn't want you to be able to watch the game on another teams channel.
Under SHVERA, those of you stuck between NY and Philadelphia should be able to get both cities' stations some time relatively soon.

Assuming the stations are available on your cable outlet, theynow also -- by law -- are allowed on DirecTV (and Dish, too, of course).

As for the Comcast sports RSN, there is not much chance of DirecTV carrying that unless a larger deal is made. (Perhaps DirecTV won't carry the hockey games that OLN is about to broadcast unless it gets access to Comcast Philly RSN, or something like that.)
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