Just hard to provide that context. Just create a bucket called errors for receivers? And a new statistic for QBs - turnovers on errors? You aren't going to separate the INT from the QB, as their throw could create the situation leading to the error (in traffic, etc).
It's just needing so much context per play, not just for the statistic in general for it to hold value IMO. I suppose these have all been addressed in baseball or something and maybe I'm trying to be too specific? Don't know, just has always been this way, so hard to imagine it changing (often the biggest mental hurdle for change).
Many of Mahomes early INTs this year were off receivers hands, but he often also throws the ball very hard on short routes, so while they felt snakebitten (many of those types of passes don't become INTs, but many of the Chiefs did) his part in contributing to them is unassailable.