That was a great game. Sideline shots were all 16x9 HD. The only 4x3 shots were the explanation of the plays by the commentator. I do not know why they do not do these in 16x9 as well. But it was excellent. Repeat at 12am tonight if you missed it!
15 minutes to go but there is so much to watch tonight. I wished I had a PVR. Billboard music awards, NFL game of the Week, On The Set: The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King, ahh you have to love the life in HD...
This picture looks different. Take a look at all the different dates for this game (repeats- Wed, thurs, frid, and saturday) plus look at the yellow button on the right hand bottom coner (Add to planner). I tried it but it's no active yet. That's how it will work.
Yeah there is something wrong with the channel. I called technical support but I was not given a satisfactory answer. Dissapointed but there are always the repeats...