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nfl network?

the NFL sunday ticket is an NFL product, NOT a directv product. NFL Sunday ticket is in the USA on DirecTV, in CANADA on Bell, Rogers, Shaw, AND StarChoice. in MEXICO on SKY, and in BERMUDA on CableVision. See for the FULL details, and for example, in you subscribe to NFL sunday ticket in Canada via Starchoice OR Rogers, it is $145 (US),
fkostyn said:
the NFL sunday ticket is an NFL product, NOT a directv product. NFL Sunday ticket is in the USA on DirecTV, in CANADA on Bell, Rogers, Shaw, AND StarChoice. in MEXICO on SKY, and in BERMUDA on CableVision. See for the FULL details, and for example, in you subscribe to NFL sunday ticket in Canada via Starchoice OR Rogers, it is $145 (US),

the nfl ticket is a directv product in the usa, sorry, i stand corrected. i just figured i was talking to a fellow american when i responded, how foolish.

$145 in canada, really? bet it is 14 trillion pesos in mexico (us $3.75) what does that have to do with the price of tea in china?
sateck01 said:
the nfl ticket is a directv product in the usa, sorry, i stand corrected. i just figured i was talking to a fellow american when i responded, how foolish.

$145 in canada, really? bet it is 14 trillion pesos in mexico (us $3.75) what does that have to do with the price of tea in china?

There are plenty of people on this board (me being one of them) that subscribed to either ExpressVu or StarChoice and probably will be getting NFLST for my $179 CAD (roughly 150 US)

that 61.99 difference picks up the tab on my broker fee for the year (plus more) :)
Well, you guys can squabble all you want - I just watch my Redskins and enjoy the NFL channel (124) on Sirius (try Schien & Riggins weekdays 4:00 to 7:00 Eastern sometime)! I'm as happy a pig in mud! Phooey to D* and their high prices! And to their ridiculous NFLST and NFLST + HD pricing too!

stuart628 said:
same troll as here, sorry if I let you get under my skin, I am done posting as this has now turned to just a waste of space! I have made my point if you want any further comments please P.M. as we dont need to hijack this thread anymore thank you.

did you not see this post, I will try again so everyone can see, this is not going to be hijacked, thank you! this isnt going to be stuart vs sateck or whatever your name is, if you have something to say P.m. me, dont hijack threads so you can throw your accusations around and keep getting shut down, enjoy!
This Thread is NOT supposed to be about the NFL Sunday Ticket which is a completely different subject than "The NFL Network Channel" - - - which is ONE channel. like A&E or any other channel., BUT dedicated 24-7 to ONLY NFL News and subject matter. Even if you are not a football fan there is alot of interesting programming on this channel. It is GREAT!

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOSeaHawks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Tom Bombadil said:
DirecTV recently purchased a 5 year extension for exclusive DBS rights to NFL: Sunday Ticket. This extends their contract through the 2010 season.

The NFL decided to award the contract to only one DBS provider. Therefore Dish is forbidden to carry it through 2010. There is nothing Charlie can do about it until then.

At this point in time, there is no reason to think Dish will ever have NFL:ST. If you want it, then subscribe to DirecTV. Then pay them an additional $219 ($318 for High Def) over your standard bill to watch it.
Nothing to do with NF ST. Voom even had the NFL network. I think almost every cable company has it as well.
Iceberg said:
There are plenty of people on this board (me being one of them) that subscribed to either ExpressVu or StarChoice and probably will be getting NFLST for my $179 CAD (roughly 150 US)

that 61.99 difference picks up the tab on my broker fee for the year (plus more) :)


as a mod i would expect more from you.

1. the issue is why doesnt dish have the nfl channel (212), that got answered the way stuart didnt like (charlie is TOO cheap)
2 this morphed into the NFL TICKET (SD or HD) in the USA it is a directv exclusive (i said product) that got answered, again(charlie is TOO cheap and got out bid) again the truth hurts.
3 as far as you "moving" to canada, if you would rather see your dollars go out of the country and getting signal from a grey area provider, fine! its you conscience, not mine.

just being DIRECT about tV :)
Personally, I think hijacking this thread to talk about NFL:ST was a good thing.

After all, what is there to talk about with NFL Network? It's not very expensive, most providers offer it, and lots of Dish subs want it. Sounds like a no-brainer. So the only response is "Charlie is cheap."

We could talk about how Dish might package it. If not in the AT180 package, then perhaps in the regional sports package? A la carte? Some kind of mini-sports package?

thanks for being civil. i really believe from what ive been told, ergens days as owner of dish are numbered.. the one guy posted "merger" with viacom and redstone, there is never a merger, only a complete buy-out, with redstone as the ruler. there will be no place for ergen.

the war that will ensue between the two titans , murdock and redstone will be something to behold :shocked

my prediction, and i may be biased, keith rupert murdock wins in a TKO around summer 2006. well see, well see.

remember one thing, the two are forbidden to merge,,,BUT if one goes under, the fcc WILL order the other to convert the subs and deliver signal.....THINK PRIMESTAR ;)
sateck. please do not include me in your posts, as your post was full of crap. first of all
I dont care if you think charlie is cheap that dosent bother me. thats the second time you have said something about me and tried to tell me how I feel or what I do, again, you dont know me, and I will break it down this time for your 1st grade level. You have never met me in real life, nor can you get a good idea of how I am from the few sentences I write on here at a time. So please do not try to make yourself feel better with posting something that is negative and disrespectful towards me, as again, you dont know me. I am glad you have your opinnions I guess that is what makes this forum great, but what is bad about you, is you like to come and kinda heap $hit on dish network and put Directv up on a plate of gold, please remember this your opinnion only, and I will ask again, if you have something to say to me P.M. me, also just to let you know AGAIN, I dont care if charlie is cheap, and I never said one thing about NFL channel, I was simply responding to your comment about Sunday ticket, with my Opinnion that Directv has raped that program, with charging the HD customers the 100 fee, and if you think I was a guinea pig (I wasnt another false comment by you) and I am mad, you are wrong again, and as far as directv spreading the cost only on sunday ticket customers, isnt that what the couple hundred they pay for sunday ticket is for? have a great night.
stuart628 said:
sateck. please do not include me in your posts, as your post was full of crap. first of all
I dont care if you think charlie is cheap that dosent bother me. thats the second time you have said something about me and tried to tell me how I feel or what I do, again, you dont know me, and I will break it down this time for your 1st grade level. You have never met me in real life, nor can you get a good idea of how I am from the few sentences I write on here at a time. So please do not try to make yourself feel better with posting something that is negative and disrespectful towards me, as again, you dont know me. I am glad you have your opinnions I guess that is what makes this forum great, but what is bad about you, is you like to come and kinda heap $hit on dish network and put Directv up on a plate of gold, please remember this your opinnion only, and I will ask again, if you have something to say to me P.M. me, also just to let you know AGAIN, I dont care if charlie is cheap, and I never said one thing about NFL channel, I was simply responding to your comment about Sunday ticket, with my Opinnion that Directv has raped that program, with charging the HD customers the 100 fee, and if you think I was a guinea pig (I wasnt another false comment by you) and I am mad, you are wrong again, and as far as directv spreading the cost only on sunday ticket customers, isnt that what the couple hundred they pay for sunday ticket is for? have a great night.



the opine of mine , and prove me wrong!!

nfl channel, sunday tic (SD OR HD) are DIRECTV exclusives.


directv is charging what the market will bear, so!!

directv isnt raping anyone, or is the problem that they priced you out of it??

the guinea pig comment???? dont know about that one un less you were one of the 44000 voom beta testers, and about that i have no idea.
sateck01 said:


the opine of mine , and prove me wrong!!

nfl channel, sunday tic (SD OR HD) are DIRECTV exclusives.


directv is charging what the market will bear, so!!

directv isnt raping anyone, or is the problem that they priced you out of it??

the guinea pig comment???? dont know about that one un less you were one of the 44000 voom beta testers, and about that i have no idea.

Dish has NEVER had the opportunity to even bid on the NFL Sunday Ticket. Before Dish went into existence DirecTV bought exclusive rights for NFL ST. Each time the contract came to term DirecTV was given the opportunity to buy a new exclusive contract. (The right of first refusal). If DirecTV pays what the NFL asks, they keep exclusivity. Up until now Dish has NEVER had the opportunity to even bid on NFL ST. Dish even took the NFL to court about this but the courts said tough noogies, the exclusive agreement is valid.

I'm not saying Dish would pay BILLIONS to get this loss-leader package, but to say that some one was beaten at the bargaining table for an item the never had the opportunity to purchase is disingenuous.

See ya
I have to say that I am glad that Charlie didn't get Sunday Ticket (though I love the thought that he stayed in and bid as high as possible) and pay the $700 million per year that all those subs from Direct get to help pay for whether they watch the stuff or not. And just think, if you do watch it, you get to pay the fees on top of that. If you want to pay for it that's fine, your choice, but I am guessing that more subs would rather not have to foot part of the cost for Sunday Ticket than "enjoy" helping foot the bill. Then again, Charlie's company is turning a profit and Rup's isn't so maybe those subs aren't footing the bill. This time, thank god Charlie was "cheap" and "lost at the bargaining table" in my opinion!!!! $700 million a year for what come down to a niche channel, I think not!
sateck01 said:

as a mod i would expect more from you.
sorry to disappoint you. But like I say at work "This is how I am. Hope you get use to it:)
3 as far as you "moving" to canada, if you would rather see your dollars go out of the country and getting signal from a grey area provider, fine! its you conscience, not mine.
damn right its my conscience. I have had Dish for 5 years now and have had ExpressVu and now StarChoice for 2 years. So my dollars are still here too :)
Do I have a problem having SC? Not in the least bit
Do I have a problem with the fact I "moved" my Dish service? Not in the least bit

I have StarChoice because of the CBC. I am a hockey fan, and since the US providers could care less about it, I had to resort to something else. That would be Canada. Obviously last year didnt help, but I can see lots of programs that only Canada has that the US either dont have or on a serious delay.

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