I'm sure they're looking into freezing issues, but EA has just been so bad with taking stuff out that it's just embarrassing. I mean for crying out loud, they took TODDLERS out of The Sims 4. Hell I'm pretty sure they had those in the original Sims (or The Sims 2 for sure.) That's simply inexcusable. It also stinks that the series is so dependent on DLC that when a new iteration comes out it's a jarring experience because you've lost all the added DLC content of the previous versions. I still think that it's BS that you have to PAY for the privilege of having pets. And shipping Titanfall without Private Matches? REALLY? Name one other game that shipped without a feature like that. And let's not even get into the whole Battlefield 4 fiasco.
I'm not trying to jump on the "Let's Hate EA" train, but the idea that they're shipping out unfinished products at $60 is insulting to gamers. If nothing else it shows a definite lack of respect towards its audience, like "Yeah, we can just throw crap out there with the veiled promise that it'll be good eventually." EA has made a number of improvements with it's treatment of customers by abandoning Online Pass and making Origin more customer friendly, but with each step forward they seem to take another step back.