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No Charges for OTA Coax Line & Get your $$ back if you were charged!!! | SatelliteGuys.US

No Charges for OTA Coax Line & Get your $$ back if you were charged!!!

Sean Mota

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
New York City
Instead of having this information burried in the VOOM Installation Thread, I decided that it was better to create a new thread. NO ONE SHOULD PAY THE LOCAL INSTALLER FOR YOUR OTA COAX LINE


----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Harkins" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:30 AM
Subject: FW: FW: OTA Coax Line


Hi, my name is Joe Harkins and I'm with INSTALLS inc. I was forwarded an
email about VOOM customers that were charged for OTA Coax lines. As this is
not standard practice at INSTALLS inc and it should be included in the
installation, I'd like to find out if there are specific cases of this

Please send me any VOOM customer information you have for this issue. I'll
investigate and make sure the VOOM customer gets re-imbursed if they were
charged in error.

If you would like, give my email address to the VOOM customer(s) that need
assistance with this.


----- Original Message -----
From: Wilt Hildenbrand
To: Sean Mota
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:13 AM
Subject: RE: OTA Coax Line

No comment, other than; I'll get it handled. It's wrong.
-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Mota []
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 9:12 AM
To: Wilt Hildenbrand
Subject: OTA Coax Line


It looks like the local installers want to charge extra for the OTA line when people don't want to install the diplexer. Yet in the email, we get (I got one as well) from VOOM it states that the free installation includes up to 4 coax lines. Why are they trying to charge customers for the OTA line.

Sean Mota
What about the folks that stuck with the diplexer due to the cost factor? Should they call Installs inc and have someone come out and run a seperate line?

WLong said:
What about the folks that stuck with the diplexer due to the cost factor? Should they call Installs inc and have someone come out and run a seperate line?


If anyone was installed a diplexer and wants a separate OTA coax line install, I suggest you to put a service call through VOOM and let them know that you want the OTA line instead of the diplexer. Local Installers will get paid for this by VOOM. But you need to put the call through VOOM first and make a solid argument why the diplexer needs to be removed.
Sean Mota said:
If anyone was installed a diplexer and wants a separate OTA coax line install, I suggest you to put a service call through VOOM and let them know that you want the OTA line instead of the diplexer. Local Installers will get paid for this by VOOM. But you need to put the call through VOOM first and make a solid argument why the diplexer needs to be removed.

Is "Because it was supposed to be included as part of the installation" strong enough justification?

WLong said:
Is "Because it was supposed to be included as part of the installation" strong enough justification?


Yes, you are right but in all fairness we did not know how bad these diplexer were and how it will lower your OTA receptions. Now that we know, no one should be installed with one of those. An this will be another strong justification.

"Not able to receive your locals even though you are within reasonable distance and you know others can get them in the same neighborhood but you have this diplexer installed that is lowering your OTA signal strength".
Here's one more about site visits:

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Harkins"
To: "'Sean Mota'" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:52 AM
Subject: RE: FW: OTA Coax Line

There is no charge to VOOM customers for site visits. The installer has
incentive to get the install done, because he doesn't get paid if he doesn't
install it.

I will be giving VOOM a call this afternoon regarding this. My installer wanted to charge me $50.00 to run a 15-foot line so I decided to go with the diplexer. Also the Installer ran the wire through the wall and was very sloppy about it. I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes.
pOiNTBLaNK said:
I will be giving VOOM a call this afternoon regarding this. My installer wanted to charge me $50.00 to run a 15-foot line so I decided to go with the diplexer. Also the Installer ran the wire through the wall and was very sloppy about it. I'll keep you guys posted on how it goes.

Email Joe Harkins. He works at Installs Inc and can give you a direct response to this. Let him know that he needs to send the installer back to do a proper installation. If this does not solve it, let me know and will escalate even further.
Are installers suppost to run wires to thru the wall?
I wanted the wires to go to my attic but installer wanted to charge me $130.00 for attic work! Is this correct?
pOiNTBLaNK said:
Are installers suppost to run wires to thru the wall?
I wanted the wires to go to my attic but installer wanted to charge me $130.00 for attic work! Is this correct?

Send an e-mail to Joe Harkins. He knows everything that is covered and it is not covered. Did you?
WLong said:
What about the folks stuck with the diplexer...?

Excellent question, Bill. I say, "yes, - absolutely."

As our install is half-done [installers couldn't get any satellite signal their first day out & with over four hours of time], so I'll definitely direct them to forgoe the diplexer. As I'm already paying them $50 to install a phone jack next to the same wall outlets inside, I'm looking to have 'em run a second LNB from the dish.

Q: Is this correct, if I wish to be ready for an HD DVR/TiVo possibility?
(They said all TiVo-type units require 2 or more lines run.)


Q: If they run a second LNB, it will be hooked-up to nothing for the time being?

Thanks, all! :D
Still trying to get all this satellite stuff straight! :cool:
Wall install

pOiNTBLaNK said:
Are installers suppost to run wires to thru the wall?
I wanted the wires to go to my attic but installer wanted to charge me $130.00 for attic work! Is this correct?
When I do a install, I first try diplexing existing cable, if not that I will go thru floor, (if crawl space availible), if that is also unavailible I will discuss with the customer the use of wall feeds. But You said the magic word attic, that means that the way the cable comes down from the attic is the dreaded WALL FISH, & hell yes it will cost You, unless You want to see the cable coming down from the ceiling. I dont like wall fishing, & in order for Me to do a wall fish, it has to be worth it to Me, (ie: much more work & risk for damage). I have turned down jobs where the customer expected Me to do a wall fish for less than $100, I tell them to do their own wall fish & see what it's worth, (most of the time it's an outside wall & that is a real pain in the A$$). They will see a wall feed is not that bad, hey, that's what wall bushings & silicone are for anyhow!
Installs, Inc. Voom Department informs me that the only way a separate COAX can be run is on a 1 room installation. Since I am having 3 rooms done, I must use the diplexer. Have you found this to be true or am I being snuffed off?
This thread is old but to answer your question, I do not know at this point. I have been told from the installers that come here and customers that diplexer that they are using now work fine. There was a time when they had a bunch of diplexer that went bad very quickly. I have a two room setup but I had the lines already run by the time the installer got home.
dogpoobob said:
Installs, Inc. Voom Department informs me that the only way a separate COAX can be run is on a 1 room installation. Since I am having 3 rooms done, I must use the diplexer. Have you found this to be true or am I being snuffed off?
Welcome to the forum, dogpoobob!
Perhaps, what they mean is that this is the only way this can be done without extra costs to you. (I don't know their latest policies, but I suspect this is the case.) Of course this can be done technically, by simply splitting the antenna cable with a three-way splitter, but you may have to pay for extra cable runs. Also, since you are most likely getting an amplified OTA antenna, you may have to purchase a standalone power supply, which is not required when diplexers are used. Good luck!
dogpoobob said:
Installs, Inc. Voom Department informs me that the only way a separate COAX can be run is on a 1 room installation. Since I am having 3 rooms done, I must use the diplexer. Have you found this to be true or am I being snuffed off?

you will need the multi-switch and we have not had a problem with them and as for the diplexer it had been a long time that we have had bad ones seem to be no problem with them now. But if you insist on having all line runs separate then i am sure it will cost you extra.

Can't recieve any OTA channels > 34 RF!

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