Oculus headsets will be demoed in Best Buy stores across the country starting May 7. Bad news is that its only 48 stores. In some instances you'll be SOL. None in my state have them and the closest one is over 130 miles away. Still, if you're near one you may as well check it out.
In case you haven't been paying attention, Oculus has been AWFUL with fulfilling preorders (read Backers) of the Rift. Due to supply and logistical issues there's a major backorder list. However, that's not stopping Oculus from selling the same headsets at retail before fulfilling these orders. They're justifying it by saying "Well, just buy one at retail and cancel your preorder!" That's of course assuming you can even GET one when it hits retail. Needless to say, Ben Kuchera, one of the biggest VR fanboys out there, isn't happy.
Ehhh... don't feel too bad. Not like there's a shortage of other games. I think VR will be better once we get the second gen releases of the respective hardwares.
Oculus recently released a patch to help curb piracy and also disable any Vive users from using their "exclusive" software. The developer who originally cracked the OR to allow Vive users to play their games ended up being able to crack it again, but in the process also allowed users to basically pirate all Oculus software. Oops.
In case Oculus didn't have enough bad publicity between selling their headsets to consumers before backers got theirs or paying developers for exclusivity or implementing useless DRM on various programs through their separate and unnecessary storefront, it has now been revealed that the founder Palmer Luckey has been funding a Trump organization dedicated to making negative and disparaging memes about Hillary Clinton. Seriously..
Now I'm not posting this to start a political debate over the candidates, but it is related to the OR in that because of this, many in gaming media have an even more negative impression of the OR platform, and given how much better the Vive is doing now it's certainly not going to help turn things around for them.
A number of devs have announced they are dropping Oculus Rift support until Palmer steps down.
I do have to say that even if VR cost $100 and my PC could run it, I wouldn't see myself picking it up. And there's just so many barriers to mass adoption, aside from the fact that regardless of which one you want you need to spend at least $500. Issues with the headsets themselves, setting up stuff for whole room VR, people with disabilities, etc etc. Jim Sterling's recent video I think sums up all the issues with VR pretty well IMO.
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