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I was told my early termination fee would be $10 per remaining month. I'm in a committment until July 2011 so that's about 10 months.

I've talked this over with my wife who really isn't affected by the programing hiccups at E*, but understands now what the trade-offs will be and what we'll gain. I don't want to be one of those people who stamps their feet and calls names at E*. I've always thought that behavior to be a bit childish. But I do want what I want and I'm not willing to go without MSG for any length of time.

So I've pretty much decided to give the local D* installers a call tomorrow and set up an install. If it's a couple weeks out due to demand, then I'll miss the opener and maybe a couple games.

If E* comes to some resolution with MSG before my D* install, I'll cancel the install and stay with E*. No hard feelings against E*. They've treated me pretty well for many years, but if they aren't delivering what I want then calm logic says I should find another supplier. So I'll approach this calmly and hope E* comes out ahead, but I'll be prepared to switch if E* continues to fail to deliver.
I know. I just wanted to poke a little fun at a Giants fan and a Dish sub. With my Dodgers out, the only thing I have left is to root against the Giants. :p

As a Dodger fan, you should always root against the giants, even if they are playing the hated yankees! ;) :D
The only people here that are getting used are us subscribers. Charlie sends his spin about how he is negotiating with the broadcast companies so that he can keep the cost to us down, while he raises our bills. Mine has gone up $30 in the last 6 months...

You do know that what you pay each month goes to cover more than programming costs, right?
Charlie talks as if Dish is totally innocent in this whole thing. I've read a few articles and Fox states the increase was not more than 50% as stated by Charlie. I think what it really comes down to is corporate greed.
I got a $7 credit for a month so far. Not great, but what they hey, I took it.

I will really be pissed and look at another provider if I lose the Major Fox station com November 1st, like the commercial is stating. No NFL on Sunday means no Dish Network for me, if I haven't already switched due to losing MSG.
I got a $7 credit for a month so far. Not great, but what they hey, I took it.

I will really be pissed and look at another provider if I lose the Major Fox station com November 1st, like the commercial is stating. No NFL on Sunday means no Dish Network for me, if I haven't already switched due to losing MSG.

Are you an Autopay customer ? they told me they could not give me anything because I was not Autopay. I do not see what one thing has to do with another.
DISH Network Corporation Sales: $11,664.15M
News Corporation (owns Fox) Sales: $32,778.00M
FOX Broadcasting Company Sales: $4,228.00M
Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. average revenue per employee is about $530,000 (Employees: 12,500)
Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. SEVP and CFO David DeVoe $2,292,000 salary; $2,797,000 bonus

The median (average) household income in the United States is $46,400
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If you love hanging on the roof trying to position an OTA antenna to get reception, like I might have to November 1st, great! Both sides have very valid points, but it's getting old. That's why I stopped. Can we get any new info on what the - - - - is going on between Dish and FOX?

What's going on is that Dish and Fox are the latest in a series of contentious renewals for Over the air channels as well as for cable networks. Depending on who's Math you believe, Fox is either asking for a 20% OR 50% increase. I have heard they are asking for a 70% increase for local affiliate fees.

Advertising revenue is down, so the program providers are looking for increased fees from companies like Dish, Directv and innumerable cable companies.

Dish understandably does not want to raise rates in a rate-sensitive environment.

In the short term, I would expect nothing to happen. I imagine Dish is only going to cut a deal soon if Fox is going to include the Owned and Operated OTA affiliates. Otherwise why would Dish want to go through this again Nov. 1? Fox probably has no interest in settling the affiliate contract now. Why would they give up the ultimate hammer, the NFL?

There are probably no more than courtesy talks going on now. Around the middle of the month, I would guess Dish and Fox would get serious.

As I said early in this thread, I would fully expect this to continue through October. I would expect Fox to pull the plug on the affiliates Nov. 1. I would expect things to be settled on or about November 7.

And if things are not settled November 7, I would expect Dish's stock to take a big hit November 8. They could be looking at a 10-20% subscriber loss if it is not settled quickly.

Of course, I did not think Fox would pull the RSNs, Nat Geo and FX.
They will loose some

What's going on is that Dish and Fox are the latest in a series of contentious renewals for Over the air channels as well as for cable networks. Depending on who's Math you believe, Fox is either asking for a 20% OR 50% increase. I have heard they are asking for a 70% increase for local affiliate fees.

If this is true about affiliate fees they will loose some.
Fifteen years. After FIFTEEN YEARS my team makes playoffs and this happens...

Its not right boys & girls. I'm gettin' too old for this $hit.

Maybe its my karma for knowing what FOX and the Murdoch boys really are.
When I saw the loss of the Fox sports networks , I listened to Charlie's speech and saw the free add on networks to make my suffering less. Since I have the multi-sports package , I still have a net loss of channels. I then went to one of the extra channels that was to carry my game of choice and no luck . a blackout is in effect. I called in about the sudden use of blackouts for college games. I talked to a CSR, a CSR supervisor, and a tech support rep. None had any idea of what I was talking about. They all had the standard blackout speech. None could figure out why last week 409 was not blacked out and this week it was. Same response for each channel I questioned. I asked why the Kansas / Baylor game was being blacked out. It is in my state and goes against the blackout rules they quoted. Again they were clueless. I asked them to transfer me to whoever does the blackout programming. They had no idea who they were or how to reach them. As others on this blog have stated, I believe their dispute with Fox has made them put blackouts on at a much more restrictive manor. I hope when they settle the dispute they don't forget to reset the blackout restrictions to pre-dispute levels.
I then worked them for the 3 PPV movies and 3 months of HD platinum. I was then told to call next week to get free Starz. I was also told the HD platinum promotion is renewable every 3 months.
You do know that what you pay each month goes to cover more than programming costs, right?

Oh yeah I understand that. All I am trying to say is that Charlie's little ad on the FS Arizona channel here kind of spins me up. As I see it he is giving a bit of double speak there.

You can see below that without adding any other services I have seen a fee increase. This only goes back to Oct 09 and just prior to that the bill was another $10 less than that.



And soon since the Cinemax for a penney deal is over it will be another $13 a month. I won't hold that against Dish since it is just a deal that is expiring.
Does it mean anything that the guide for the removed RSN's returns to normal at 7:00 PM on Tuesday night? Beginning then, the "Important News! Press Info!" message in the guide ends and normal programming is listed. Anyone know anything about that?

on friday my program guide showed the Info message showed all next week and now today its showing tuesday at 3pm ct the message in the guide and the Info message ends and normal programming is listed and shows regular programming all next week through next tuesday morning and i have the 922 DVR makes me wonder if this is ending soon lets hope so if this isnt done by tuesday or wednesday at the latest im switching to direct tv :):up

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