Record something from your local CBS or NBC from the satellite-feed, not the OTA feed. Then try and watch it.
Ok. Will do. I'll get back to you on it.
Record something from your local CBS or NBC from the satellite-feed, not the OTA feed. Then try and watch it.
Record something from your local CBS or NBC from the satellite-feed, not the OTA feed. Then try and watch it.
I find both of those shows unwatchable too but my 722 is working perfectly.
Can someone tell me if the new firmware removes the stupid purple border on the PiP?
I cannot fathom why they thought PiP needed a border - it's actually detrimental for those with a Plasma, and takes up a couple pixels of viewing area.
Just a really bad idea IMHO.
my 622 still has 4.49 i thought the full spool went out several days ago
I noticed that since 5.11, my 722 jumps forward at least 30-60 seconds when I push the play button when fast forwarding with the fast forward button. Anyone else have this problem. I miss so much program that I have to back up to find out what I missed. What a pain in the ass. It makes the fast forward useless.
I noticed that since 5.11, my 722 jumps forward at least 30-60 seconds when I push the play button when fast forwarding with the fast forward button. Anyone else have this problem. I miss so much program that I have to back up to find out what I missed. What a pain in the ass. It makes the fast forward useless.
I have 511 on both 622s. The one that had 510 works fine. However, the one that went from 449 to 511 is having the same problems as yours.
Why are you using fast forward or backwards? I use the skip features and it works like a charm. I practically never use fast forward or backwords.
Same here, I just hit the 30 seconds skip button and that works for me just fine.
Same here, I just hit the 30 seconds skip button and that works for me just fine.
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