Mine powers up whenever it detects power from the USB port of the 622.
Got my call in, waited on hold about 5 minutes, then waited a couple times on hold as the rep was trying to figure this out. Got it taken care of but said it may take 15 minutes before it gets enabled, so I'm waiting on the 15 minutes.
EDIT: As soon as I got done posting it was enabled, transferring now....not error. Trying a reboot.
I did unplug the drive and plug in the second one to format that was well. When I plugged the first one back in I had to reboot the 622 before it recognized it again. That's when I called in for activation. No sure if that has anything to do with my problem or not.
500gb Seagate FreeAgents
Yep, I got the "call to activate" message after having my My Book activated and rebooting...but I just went to manage device and haven't seen the message again.Interesting, after the reboot I selected Manage Device. It then said I need to call and enable, DAMN IT. I tried the Send to Device anyway and now things are actually working. So a few bumps in the road for me but it is working now. Once I get the things on this drive I want I'll plug in the other and see what happens.
Can't manage, watch from the USB drive from TV2. Weird....
Thanks for the info on the "protected" recordings. I am almost finished archiving four (4) protected recordings and was goning to test this when it was finished. Update: transfer complete - there is no "protected" flag on the archive.I recorded a few short clips just to play around with the options. Transfer both ways and play back from USB works without problems. One issue I found is with Protected recordings. When you transfer a Protected program to USB you no longer see the protected logo when it's on the USB. And it is no longer protected as you can delete it without the code. But if you transfer it back to the 622 the protected symbol comes back and it is sill Protected.
What is the size limit? I read here that it was both 750GB and 1TB for the external drive. I see a 750 on sale for $219 at Circuit City this week. A 500GB is on sale for $119, but kind of small. Both are Western Digital. The 1TBs are still over $300.
I have many smaller drives laying around (100-300 external) but we are limited to one drive, right?
I am thinking 750GB would be good.
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